can i be in it name: Jake age: 16 appearance: like gold but have a black jacket and has long hair. region: unova starter: gible info: Jake was born in sinnoh. He meet up with champion cynthia and have a gible from her. He then travel to every regions and collecting every badges from sinnoh to kanto. He then discover unova and went there to collect another 8 badges and might beat the elite four and champ. and here is the second trainer name: Briana age: 16 appearance: blond hair, likes to wear sun dresses, easy to temper. starter: riolu info: Briana is a girl who wanted to be notice. She meet Jake when she was trying to find this little girl's mommy. She know everything about Jake, so she wanna go with Jake to many adventures. she liked Jake during the johto and became girlfriend/boyfriend during the end of kanto. She is now in unova helping Jake collect more badges.
can i be starmon? i wanna be shooting star who have slaves
so what characters left?
I dont know how to do that im still to the pic and stuff; and you know what now im thinking of one piece yuri too.
can i be on one of them i never did an abridged before what do i need to make one
View attachment 32644 View attachment 32645 View attachment 32646 i really like yuri so much
hey new friend you can post any message on my profile nice to meet you
what the website called?
ok i might go there after i graduate
yea but i might leave the USA to travel around the world
I love it when my brother hid my games and sell half of it to make some quick money
welcome to the site that you will love; i will be your friend.
finding ice pokemon is hard I battle three gym leader and i haven't seen any ice pokemon yet anyway here's the update... pokemon: wartortle HM slave: pidgeotto badges: View attachment 32541 View attachment 32542 View attachment 32543 location: lavender town I'll just find a poliwhirl and trade him for a jynx
yep now you understanding
yea i guess the i dont have to come back 3 months later and then feel like everything still the same.
yea i kinda though that out.
because they don't want students to work on these very hot months and yes.
they have manga for kingdom hearts
it's been a long week but it's time to take on another challenge nickname: the cold-blooded devil type: ice game: pokemon red starter: squirtle location: start