"Yay" as in to express triumph, approval, or encouragement.
lolwut ?
yay!~ ♥__♥
I leave this thread utterly disappointed. Why Mike... why?
Or visit Saskatchewan. We are known for our incredibly flat land..... Wuh hoo.
Lol. Three pillow fights? Lololololololol xD
I'll explain; my iPod went through the washer machine and so I put it in a bag of rice for one week. When the week was over (yesterday) I had to...
I thought so. xD Anything interesting happen, in the conversation?
Lol, that's quite a long time. Whom are you speaking with?
Touché. xD So how's it going?
Indeed, I am. Are you online? O_o
Lol, I like your thinking. The waffles were very good, I am getting cravings.
Ow... You're going to have to bash your own skull, to get to me.
I... accept defeat. Which also means that you accept defeat, so therefore nobody wins. Problem, señor? 8D
Do your worst. Indeed. You are a flattering individual.
Welcome to KHV, deary. I like your name. Have fun!~
>:c Works for me. Here: [spoiler] Makes sense, since I am what's in your head.
Bish, pls. [spoiler] If I am in your head, you're the one making me talk, silly. :P