I'm na- Beat me to it. :/
I would like to request a persona flash, if you do not mind. •My eyes are a greenish-turquoise color. •My skin is white, slightly tanned. •I have light brown hair. •My hair is slightly longer than a buzz-cut. •My bangs are gelled upwards. (so I don't think they'll show up in the picture) If you want me to add any more details, please don't hesitate to ask.
Hello, everybody. I had an unusual dream last night...
Yay, I have waited so long for this. I hope it won't be a disappointment, but I doubt it will. The way everything was setup is pretty cool. Also once/if there is a sequel, Spider-Man better be in it. c:
*Alias: Krown Family Member/Title: The Young, Indecisive Onii-chan Musical Talents/Interests: I don't believe that I am a good singer, but I sing to myself all of the time, only when I am alone, though. I used to play the piano and the recorder. I am interested in learning to play the drums. Every night I fall asleep, listening to my iPod. Gender: Male Theme Song: This song, perhaps. Personality: I tend to keep a lot of things to myself. I get kind of paranoid a lot and there's a chance that I have depression. But if you get to know me, I can be energetic and talkative. But that usually depends on my mood, which tends to vary a lot. Also, I am really indecisive. (hence my title) *Contact: My MSN/Email: Kingdomcrown98@yahoo.ca Skype, but I rarely use it, cause I am shy and my mic broke. Also, on KHV a lot. Picture?: *Favorite Color: Pink, blue or purple. I'll go with pink, though. (the color I am using now) Favorite Genre of Music: J-pop, alternative-rock and K-pop. *Do you have a microphone?: No, but the laptop I am getting for my birthday may have one built into it. Anything else you'd like to share?: Not really.~ c;
I think it just denied access. I am not one-hundred percent sure, though.
Seriously? Hearing this made my day, so far.
That's too bad. :c I have been meh. Yourself?
I am invisible. I am always on. You guys just can't tell. c:<
Something like: He has a condition that makes it hard for him to spell and/or he is on his phone. So be nice to him, mmkay? c: Wow, it seems like a lot of stuff has happened to you. Personally, I do not believe in Friday the 13th. It just seems kind of silly to me.
Greetings, Ven, sweetheart. Your avatar is adorable. I am sure you will have a blast here. Everyone here is so nice! Enjoy yourself!~
Spoiler: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday, Tequila, dear!~ Let us now dance.~
Welcome back, Sephy.~ Have fun and enjoy yourself!~
Simon Baker. Spoiler I love that man. c: ♥
Nay. I do not know how to fix an iPod mic.
Thank youuu.~ c: It is. But what I dislike is the smell, at times. It turns my stomach, to say the least.
Good luck to you!~ I applied for being a News Reporter. (/・ω・)/ It's nothing much. I work for my father, on the farm. I feed cows and the such. :/
Me too. I am trying to not think about it too much othewise I'll get giddy, hahaa. What did you apply for? Mm, not really. I have to work soon,...
Ah, that makes sense. I usually just watch series once they're over. -.-; Yeah, I am not very fond of it either. But for some reason I still read...
Oh, I did not know that. That's fine. If you do not mind me asking, why do you not like anime and manga anymore? It's none of my business, so...