/woof woof growl snarl woof She had already confessed her love for me.
1.65 It used to be 1.80. ;~;
Date? I would gobble that smexy thing right up.
I like your Avatar, avatar. ohoho c wat i did thar?
"It's great to meet you, Chie." We then got continued walking until we met up with Cuttle. He wanted us to join him. "I think I'm game for some icecream. But I think we should see Plums first." I looked at Chie then back at Cuttle. "Do you know where he is?" Before Cuttle could reply, another young man had appeared; one that I had not noticed before. "Oh... not at all." Was my reply to him. I then raised my hands some-what defensively. "Is there any chance that you are looking for Plums too?"
Welcome, welcome. It's great to have you here! I hope you stay for a while. Enjoy yourself, mmkay?~
I know little to nothing about euros, so I'm going to guess 71 euros.
We had defeated Plums. That is all.
OOC: Haha, I'm a guy. Don't worry though, lots of people get mixed up. IC: I was glad to see the girl's face brighten up. It always made me feel good when I made people smile. As we were heading back towards the dorms, she asked for my name. I stopped and looked at her. "My name would be Krown. And since I told you mine it would only be fair if you told me yours, right?" I let out a chuckle, just so I didn't appear to be too serious of a person.
It is "a process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment." What's with all of these tornadoes lately? It's awful what they do.
I'm not going to lie, I laughed.
I snapped out of my daze. I was tired and completely confused. I then heard the cries of a young lady, one who was not with us before, she was clearly upset and she stormed out of the building, bags in hand. I ran after her, through the doors. Once I had caught up to the girl, I grabbed a hold of her arm. "Don't go." I smiled, hoping she would too.
Wow, that sounds like fun. I'm jealous. ;_; Anyways, farewell, Dinny! I'll miss you.~ c: Stay safe.~
Check out my new persona flash! Made by the brilliant Chie Satonaka. Check out her shop here.
Wow, it's amazing. Thank you ever so much.~ c:
I slowly put my scythe away. "That was an exhilarating battle. Good job, guys." I then folded my arms behind my head.
Mm, I am not sure. If you think something would look good, go ahead.