OOC: do you want to start or maybe wait if anyone else comes on?
OOC: ok I think i got it but don't count on me so much......
OOC: ...UUHHH...hehe about that.....I honeslty can't remember I think it was in the WAY beginning of this thread when someone wanted to see the king.......
OOC: so what I miss ????? (I no probly a lot???) *sigh* I really gotta try to go on more often......
OOC: so i'm not alone !!!!! So why is this thread kinda off ???? if you don't mind me asking.
OOC: I no i'm never on this thread, but is anyone ever one here ether?????? And yes I gotta start going here more often, but i ain't no multytasker!!!!!!
"Well, thats a surprise!" said the king. "Yeah, what else is not normal here?" asked riku.
"Tell us what ?" asked riku loooking at kizon and rick.
"I guess you have heard of us." said the king
" well, lets make this short....you almost killed everyone" OOC: kk byez
"So how long does he have to stay like that?" OOC: Hey i have to leave now.....have to go help with everything....bye cya tomarrow..
Mira was laughing and said" you two make the cutest couple!"
"do it the easy way why not" wispered Mira to herself
" can i knock him out?" asked Mira
Mira said " this is getting annoying, those people over there are tring to help us destroy most of the darkness......you are suppose to make sure everything is ok...now i no you have no idea wats going on, but it's the truth."
Mira took a deep breathe and said" You eat nachos and namin-- omg! wat did you do to the guys?"She used heal on all of them and said "Ok no start fighting!!" before anyone could start to fight!!! OOC: okay
" You do that" said riku "Wat the heck! your sabin! A boy who has a crush on namine and love nachos." yelled Mira.
OOC: poor riku BOC: riku and the king both looked at rick wich reminded them of the organization. (back with sabin) Mira used heal on herself and said "Hey, I thought you were my friend!"
Riku was getting really annoyed now." when do we get off?" he asked impatiently.
"Well, it kinda gets you calm in the wrong time." said the king.