" and if my leg didn't hurt when i walk i would be out in the maze." said mira to herself.
OOC: i bet it is
OOC: pretty much BOC: Mira went to her room and fell lazily on the bed. "Hey, shadow wheres aqua?' "I don't know." replied shadow." I think she is with the queen."
OOC: idk and your mean
OOC: oh well
OOC: thats what hurts me : ( .....
OOC: ,...........O.o *twitch twitch* NNNNNOOOOO!!!!! AAAAAXXXXXXXXEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!...no comment
OOC: how so?
OOC: so wait you want him to die???i didn't get that. BOC:Mira wondered what he was going to say, but at least they where back at the castle.
Mira used a powerful heal on him and said, "Hey, axel the king said you could make portals....can you make one now to the castle?" "yeah, i can and sure." said axel making a portal and everyone went in.
Mira looked at kizon in shock. "Kizon plz say your not dead!" yelled Mira at kizon. "I don't think he is, but he's hurt" said axel. "okay, now i say we hurry out of this place." Said sora, "Kizon, you think you could make it?"
OOC: hey xert! BOC: "Umm....we might want to hurry." Yelled mira. "OK, well were working on it." said axel helping her walk then they saw kizon on the floor. "Hey, kizon!" said mira, "Are you ok?" "oh great." said sora. "more nobodys"
"let's go!!!" yelled sora almost running out. "uuummmm.....Well remember i got shot on the leg and i kinda can't walk, so help someone..??" said mira
"Now can we get out of here" asked sora, "before more of them come!"
Mira saw what sabin did ans said "Umm.....sabin remind me not to get you mad anymore..." Then the shields disappeared.
Namine finally got sora out so he also joined the fight so basically the boys are fighting and namine and mira are trying to get shot at.
"Well, at least you got rid of one." said mira. "let me help" said axel throwing his chakrams at some other ones, but he only weakend them.
"UUhhh......guys help maybe!!!!!" Yelled Sora trying to get out of the net, but only got himself tangled even more. "Well, we would but kinda busy." Yelled Axel back to him. "here" said namine helping sora out quikly. "Whats there problem" asked mira refering to the troper.
OOC: ..........Sometimes i'm glad you don't get the pain the characters do... BOC: "OOOWWWW!!!!" yelled mira trying to keep from yelling even more. "Oh great!" exclaimed axel holding mira up, "we better get out of here soon." "Good idea but which way out?" asked sora.
OOC: plz except me apology!!! Mira summond her swords and started to fight the nobodys with axel.