"what!?!" she said not believeing it.
"Sabin?" asked mira trying to decide wether or not.
"Umm....but how do i know your not just gonna help him?" said mira stubburnly.
"no way you creep." said mira.
"uhh, since i still got a busted leg i'm guessing go get help." said mira to sabin.
"Sabin, do you even no he's evil?" asked mira.
"Hey wait, yeah i'm mira," said mira a little surprised,"Who are you?"She tried to stop sabin before he attacked or did something stupid.
Mira was i littled shoked she had never seen him here, "Umm, hi," she said shyly, "I've never seen you here."
OOC: r u trying to brain wash me BOC: Mira walked around the castle lost in her thoughts.How could have Kizon been there? And he's stronger then that. she thought.
OOC: there was 4....@.@ all add them too.....
OOC: weel can i get a recap?????and that video still kinda creeps me out....
OOC:.....don't listen to him....and johny what happened while i was gone?
OOC: sure i'll add you....!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOc: oh...........
OOC: how am i spamming?
OOC: i thought he was calling himself kizon?
A nurse came in, saw kizon, and told him to try and stop movind so mush. She also gave him a spiecial pill to stop the pain.
OOC: it was only a tiny square and i'm eating the bread right now
OOC: that lausanga was great but now i have spills all over me
OOC: hey i got to go eat...i'm gonna log off but i'll be on later k