OOC: u talking bout me or xert???
"Kizon, I no there not dead," said mira,"If they r dead then how did you survive???
OOC:.......Wait....i'm confused....
OOC: your doing this just cuz i came in didn't you XD...well you could always make it a free speaking thread
OOC: mkey BOC: "yeah," said mira kind of slowly," kizon, there not dead."
OOC: ...did he ask me about the king and riku and demyx ???
OOC:...ummm.....ok.........so where can i come in your i could just come in saying something that would invole you guys killing me next......
OOC: can i get a recap??
OOC: wat happened???
OOC: where's mira again...i forgot
OOC:mkey.....so where exaclty am i supose to start???
OOC: oh wow thx for leaving me in the boring old castle BOc: "Hey, mira were's sabin?" asked sora "Beats me, last i saw of him he was with brooke." responded mira
OOC:...c'mon !!!!! just say your in ther eto or something
OOC: mkey fyi no one told me were we were and so i crashed the gummi ship and now i'm in the infermery
OOC: kk you start
ooc: So can i join????? Name:Amaya Side: xert's Powers:read minds and use it against people Wepon:two swords Appirence: (only with out the kimoto, and i wear baggy pants, t-shirt, and a hoodi History:...her parents died so she left her home and came up in random places Other:...has a dragon as a pet. His name is silver and he can change his size when he wants to. he's useually on my head resting
OOC: oh well he asked me.
OOC: like me wat???
OOC: i no that...ok i'll look up soul caliber and i'll make the sing up sheet thingy for the other thread. BOC: "yeah," said mira kinda slowly, "there not dead."