" Why to you guys put this type of music on?" asked riku a little annoyed.
OOC: hi!!!! BOc: riku the king and demyx followed kizon into the elevarter (with sabin) Mire tried to get up,but felt pain so she stayed down.
OOC: hey heyz i no i'm early but no one was using the computer.... BOC: Shadow saw what Sabin did to Mira growled at him....also sending a shadow blast at him.
" oH, no he didn't." said Mira getting mad. "Mira, cool it ithink he;s just trying to get you mad." said shadow trying to calm Mira down. " yeah , well it's working, and he's gonna get it!" Said Mira Throwing a deadly light blast to Sabin that sent him to the wall. " anyone else got anyhting to say" OOC: i have to get off.......bye guys cya ya tomarrow.
Mira walked into the room with everyone fighting and said " hey did Sabin finally start a civil war? Mira said
" There coming up the stars." remarked shadow "so mush for taking there time."said Mira sarcasticly.
" Mira, you do relize your friends are comeing or at least trying to find you." sais shadow comeout of her own portal. "yeah, but i'll let them take there time." replied mira.
Mira was thinking about sabin and them " Maybe i sholdn't have left them" she thought. "I have the same question as demyx" said riku.
Mira appeared on top of the old castle oblivian. " dang it! where i'm i!!!??? i really should have listened to the king when he said not use portals for a while." Said mira walking around then she sat down and eat some ice cream.
" I can't wait to meet him." said the king.
" yeah got that problem and also were did Mira go?" said Sora.
"AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! are you trying to kill yourself?" Said mira, but she made a portal and walked into it with no words.
" ummm... ok' said Mira summoning her swords and sending a huge light blast at kefca. ( with kizon) They all looked at eachother, but then got in the back.
Riku, demyx, and the king followed Kizon. " I take it he needs no help." sadi sora. "I think your right." said Mira....waching sabin and kefca fight.
" do you want to kill him or can I help?" yelled Mira over to Sabin.
"Well, we should go" thought the king as looked over at riku. "Wat exactly are we doing?" asked riku
"oh, great the clowns back" wispered Mira.
"Ok, i'm pretty sure that was was supose to stay in a thought bubble." said Mira laughing. (with kizon and thenm) " Kizon who is he?" asked Riku.
Mira ignored Sabin and looked at Axel trying not to blush " wait........uuuhhhhh......sure I guess." remarked Mira still kinda doubtfull