Slander is spoken, libel is written. ...I don't have a gif for this. He denied comment and sought refuge in the southern isles.
THE DIGITALATLAS NOMINATION IS A SHAM! I HAVE PROOF! EXPOSED We've reached out to DigitalAtlas for comment.
But you and Fearless aren't normal
>no Darkandroid >no me >no Vivi >no Sara This poll is ageist. Also, Misty
I'm 24 now. Going on 25 soon. Dreading it. Where am I now? going back to school hopefully soon, living on my own, working at a pharmacy.
Are there complaints at the PS4 Pro? I was just fucking around. Like, the only complaint I'd throw at it is that 1tb harddrive. Too small in my Xbox, too small here. Different compression rates sure, but you get what I mean. 4K gaming is going to mean bigger texture files and that's going to mean even less space. As far as the future goes, I think Sony is taking their time since they control such a large market share. They'd have to convince people to upgrade when the world isn't even there yet while MS having about half the sales numbers last I checked is offering a conversion with a reason. Upgrades, as we've seen in the market, are much harder to pull off; that's what normies thought the Wii U was for the first two years and look at the results.
>4.20 And you accuse me of memeing. So Scorpio has 6 TFLOPS. Scorpio wins the battle of flopping.
But how many teraflops will it have?
Physically. For PS1.
We had to explain to him how memory cards wouldn't work. But he is right on PS1 games being BC on every PS3 (not sure if you know, it was just worded like you didn't)
Lux's comment surprises no one. ;)
If there are invisible users on at the time of this post, then can confirm. I saw no one.
Spoiler: screenshot from iOS safari Clickbait title? CHECK Not staff so it's actually an error? CHECK Screenshot proving I'm not crazy? CHECK Replicated the error? CHECK Posted for archival reasons? CHECK And now, to spy while the power lasts.
Enjoy your pizza party.
It's here
I don't understand your reference in my thread of references.
Gotta show that ChuChu Rocket love EVERYBODY MOVE!
9/9/99 Never forget Spoiler: THAT WATER Spoiler: When's Mahvel? Spoiler: Where the money went Spoiler: DO DO DO DO Share 'em if you got 'em.
This post made her so mad she left for a week. :P