wow you haven't been on in a while. o,o Talk to me when you are! ^^ *hugs*
ok Riku....xD Yeah i just keep trying to repeat the name till i remember it ^^
well i'm gonna get to bed. So talk to you later. ok?^_^
ok that sounds good there. i second that motion!
haha! Why are Chocobo's so cute? *Kills chocobo from hugging*
Dance magic dance...oh i mean Dance WATER dance....xD
*facepalms self* AAAAAHHHHH! The title! Now i get it! that's cool though..Thanks for helping my slow mind...lolz
.......give him the chair? xD
cause Roxas was taken xD ...i guess...
hmm...that's interesting. and what is with Roxas being "Ventus"? that's just weird i mean "Ventus" doesn't spell out Roxas at all. if you scamble...
I'd like to get BBS but idk if i'd be able to afford it xD Let me know how it is if you get it. ^_^ I really want to know if that bald dude is...
"You made me i had a heart" ....(add on -->) "and it hurts."
ouch...yeah..that sucks. Hey do you plan to get 358/2 days? cause i saw an ad for it and freaked out. xD
Whoot! Awesomeness. xD so what's the worst thing that ever happened to you in school?'s a word...o.o ok so I need $50 to get 358/2 days.....think i'll get it from my sister xD cause i can't wait to get it in my hands :D
*stares*.........SEPHIROTH IS HOT! <-----randomness :P
I do consider myself lucky. I don't have to deal with the stupid teachers, the preps, or busdrivers. :P
ohhh yeah sweet....:D
haha...i have a math book, a science book, an art book, and the rest is on the computer. ^_^
Yeah it was storming alot last night. I've been drawing and reading. Luckily i'm homeshcooled so i don't have to do homework. xD seems alot of...