hey! how are you?
hey hey! you got it all wrong girls.....
:poke:oh ok. Night Riku!:D:rockband::roll::kiss:
^////^ ... nothing, nothing at all. and you have like 3 sketches. but the rest are sort of edited ( i suppose) o,0 they're still awesome ^^
Hey bro! what's up?
wait a moment...what do you mean by "handfull"? *raises eyebrow* yeah you should do that. it would be really cool to see some of your drawings. :D
haha yeah...I try to draw guys abs then they look strange xD (but i really like dudes with abs) lolz but anyway yeah i try to keep improving until...
Really? Awesome! O.O i really need to work on my artwork myself xD I'm terrible at foreshortening. and i barely can draw guys decently. lol
I adore video games! and manga isn't so bad. :D though lately i haven't touched my play station in 2 months. o,0
i watch it on blazinanime they give you the choice to watch it in Dubb or Subbs most episodes are on the subs :D
hmm..ok. Yeah it's true though. Hey do you like anime?
i think i need practice though...WMM doesn't have much effects but some people that use it and thier vids turn out great.
@ Xyam> WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackles Xyam*
well the only thing i have is what came with the computer, which is WMM. (i hate it)
lolz ok can't wait. :D I've been trying to get my mom to buy sony vegas pro 8 cause it might help me out a bit wit the vids. xD
oh COOL! can't wait to see what you have next :D
ok ....each of us will pick 1 person we know and bring it up to the list and one will get the rank as king then the rest will be subjects or "princesses" and "princes" :D
Oh i see! o,o AWESOME! *highfive* :P
hm....idk xD are you still on deviantart? oh right i remember what we were talking about last night...it was where we lived at. xD oh and i...
haha! yesh :glomp: