Oh my god shawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah...well nothing happened. Just having an arguement with a few peeps...(practicly beating Ultima Queen and Rhian+Roxas)
*suddenly disturbed by all this....*
HAHA yeah i did. quite alot of language but still funny. ( i don't think mickey is ever going to get his reputation back xD) What do you mean...
ok good. ^_^ so what's up?
Hey you ok?
oh you mean like Edward Elric? <---did i spell that right? o,0
.......say wha..???????????????????????????
hmm..That can be so anoying when they do that but hey...can't really blame them...some people have to make billions somehow lol....
Hey...what was THAT about Riku? ....-.- anyway...don't get a nosebleed dude xD lmao!
....No!!!! awww.. man
lol nice one Rhian+Roxas! xD
oh ok..well goodnight! ^_^
Try to find the show (that was unfortunetly canceled) look for the little robot called Gir. can't miss him xD
well.. besides hyper, I'm checking up on some groups that apperently forgot to update. That really anoys me....
what happened to everybody? UPDATE PLEASE FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!
haha..sorry got hyper for a moment. xD
Fantastic! I like napped too long today so i'm not so sleepy at the moment lol.
Hey how you doing?