Well it wasn't as much as education as to the teachers not doing anything for a 10 year old getting beat up during ELEMENTRY SCHOOL! aww...darn...
Though i do miss people....i don't get to see my friends very much anymore. :(
oh, ok well i won't force it out of you xD but, if you need to talk...I'm here! ^,^ Yeah, my mom pulled me out of school cause she got a scare...
ok lol sorry you just made it seem that there was something else you were gonna say :P So school's been hard huh?
Well good *hugs back* ^,^ but is that all?
come on...tell me
whats the "hmm" for? 0,o
You are right man! *hugs*
This definately made my day! ^,^ :glomp:
*bows* Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. :D
Annnnnd....It's on! ^,^
Ahhhh! I love it! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :glomp:
I started laughing cause of the "curse of the glomp" thing xD um, how about "Will fight till the end". If it's too long you can to like...
mm...idk xD i was just catching up on Ultima's BFF group and ended up laughing like an idiot xD
That makes you a great friend. :D
Aww...Thank you! :glomp:
WHAT no way! That would be fantastic! ^,^ As long as it don't get in the way of your plans cause, if you have anything going on atm then keep it...
haha! i just saw xD
wait a moment say what? o,o
Shawn is soooo dead....-.-' (just seen what kbwol said on KHV's Royal Family group)