OH WHOOP! THAT GUY!? YEAH! I am so getting a PS3! *drools insanely*
okay okay... Hey...is Snow the blonde guy ? cause i'm still getting used to the new characters.
Awesome! and...I wasn't thinking anything like that when you mentioned Tifa. -.-
cool glad i'm not alone on that one xD Pop question: Who is your favorite KH or FF girl and guy?
haha...sorry i get anoyed with the Twilight stuff xD I'm pretty much equal with FF and KH so idk which i would choose if i had to. xD
haha, yeah Soooo many things i can say when i watch AC xD (but mostly have to mop up all the drool when sephy comes in) lmao My sister is a...
yeah yeah..true xD and i'm a girl...who goes crazy over animated dudes xD Axel (Really awesome voice), Sephiroth (must resist making sword...
ptttth...you perv *gives you noogie*
oh, i know! ^,^ I want to know if you get to play Aqua cause, i'm tired of playing guys all the time.
yep..can't say for sure cuz it was a really small clip. (wished that i saved it though...)
mmm....no i don't think so.. it was at the Twilight Town tower.
YESH! (please pay no attention to what happens next)--> EEkkkkkkk! *glomp/hugs Axel* (end trasaction) xD I saw one spoiler...I cried..T,T
Me: *stands in champion pose* lolz
ah..well my sister has a nitendo DS so i'll be getting it soon once i get the cash xD (if i ever do) But, i'm still exited for it! :D
..lapdance xD*giggle/snort* oh oh! i wants it! *reaches out* T,T....how's the game so far? on a scale of 1-5?
Me: I want a copy of that tape! ^^ Xion: *sees recording* wow that was good... Zack: I'm impressed...o,o Me:*Throws cottonballs to rhaxama*
And i almost forgot to ask....how was your day?
It was good.*takes deep breath* I had to get up at 6 in the morning to say bye to my mom cause she has to get to her medtech classes. Almost...
Yuffie: Surves you right! Me: xD
Ok well here's what you'll be thinking next....*punches your face*