Me: *smacks rhaxama while he can't see* Zack: Hey! That wasn't good! Me: He earned that one... Zack: *hugs bluejay* Me: ^///^
*walks away*....
O,O.....*jaw falls* ....haha...*does Helen Keller moves* (more hip) xD
Bring it on!!!
Everywhere and nowhere....xD
um..Rhian..why are you Prince sparkle cake?
See you. ^,^ :kiss:
alright...sweet dreams Riku! ttyl. *hugs*
I can't remember...all i remember he was here ..and now he's gone.. I...can't say for sure..but, i think he was after your mind. O,O
The "yo" thing when you see him.
Nope....*freezes for a moment*....*shakes head* what..the..wait a minute..Reno was just here and he said that he needed something...what's going...
Reno: The usual...wiping minds, taking back materia yada yada yada... Me: *still a little light headed*
I don't know.. *clattering*...*Reno falls through the roof to the floor*.
Oh...nothing..*thinks of Snow and giggles* I'm good thanks! xD
*sits in chair in coo coo mode* ....*humming* (Time passes) *looks outside and suddenly sees snow* SNOW! *nosebleeds* *giggles all fangirly-like*
hmm...brain bleach?
Same here. But, i REALLY don't want to work at the YMCA near here but, that's almost my only option. ....*looks up drowsily* heh heh...yep,...
ahh.. man...wish i could afford it..i get excited and go "I GOTTA GET IT"!! then, i realize...i'm broke. xD Yeah, you better get a good mop....