well... i'm just gonna draw Ixien..(Nexie: Eien/My nobody name) in my story... he's The Number 15 on the organization.. who wields A Sword named...
72 i guess... -kicked someone else's butt-
Yo.. i saw your Sig.. I like it.. can we be friends..?
tomorrow... well.. i'm still workin on my Sketches... ahaha..i'll gonna show it on Sunday..
Sai'x... Cuz he always Kicked my butt of the Game.. plus his Berserk..is powerful..
Aha! i knew you could do it ^^ wohooo~~~ can't wait to see..^^
Cool... Thanks for these vids..
hooh.. that's was fast..^^ how's the Xion drawing..?
ah.. so you're a Sectional moderator... well nice to meet you^^
I think the..manga is Kinda CUte..^^ ahahahha~~~
COOL ^^ is that matt and mello..? aaahahahaha ^^ They're so COOL..^^
i hate my wrath.. cuz.. it can Kill someone.. i've been injured my friend and he's badly injured.... damn.. all i wanted is apologize..
It's Okay..^^ i'll wait
Sai From Naruto..? he's A guy aren't he..?
ahh... so you're OL...? Great ^^
41 -searchin for sumthin- okay.. i'll give you something better..
how is it..? did the link works..?
40 -confused- why is that..?
39 -gives the cookies- here.. you can have this if you want it..
Thanks... i'll add you..^^