You need to color it.. it's cooler if it has a COLOR ^^
COOL ^^ The Baby dragon's cool and Cute
hooh.. A calendar.. hmm... it's kinda COOL..
hey I need the Weapon Size mod..Please ^^
NIce.. Aww.. the Moogle Is CUTE ^^
i hope i can draw like you.. well just see my drawings on Sunday.. Okay ^^
Hey.. i've seen you well Nice to meet You ^^'re OL..? Good!! ^^ hey the Sho drawing is Cool.. No, I mean it really..! it's cool
AHA ^^ It's COOL..^^ you can do better than ME ^^ AHAHAHAHA^^ it's nice having a COOL FRiend ^^
i don't really remembers it.. i changed into final form when fighting Sai'x
huh..? voice actress huh... Well.. how about Inoue Orihime's voice actress ^^(english version)
Call me Nexie ^^ (my nobody name) Ahahah^^
ahahah.. Nice to meet you..Ollie
Taffy.. Is the Xion is Done..?
Oh i see.. Thanks ^^
well.. i want to know this... what is A girl's Most favorite Present..? well..i'm kinda confused...choosing the present..
Yo..^^ My Name Is Zexion well.. Have Fun On Kh-vids.. but..Don't spam.. if you want to spam..go to The spam playground..^^ Ahahaha^^
77 well... -ding,dang,ding,dong- Oh the School Starts..^^
Well.. in my Kh story.. he have A sad memories... NOTE: well he died Protecting Xion in the End... -sniff-
can we be friends..? well.. i really wanted a be my friend..^^