hey thanks for inviting me ^^ ahahaha ^^ that group sounds like FUN ^^
Yo..^^ i'm the new member ^^
main: fenrir valor:oblivion master:decisive pumpkin final:bond of flame
well... lelouch is cool.. well i like the symbols
oh hi it's been a while hey i want to join the ultima group ^^
WHoa.. This is cool.. They looked like Sora , kairi and RIku ^^
can i join..? hmm.. i'll do my best..
Hoh.. Axel is kinda Hard.. i need a lot's of Blizzard to take him..
huh.. Helping others huh..? well.. i don't want to help ppl.. Note: there's a reason i don't want to..
i see.. let's change topic..
Welcome to Kh-vids ^^ Enjoy your stay ^^
Matt huh.. -gasp- Could he be.... The owner of castle-oblivion.net..
Ahaha..^^ i'm no good at Coloring... But..this One Is COOL..^^ i like the color
Matt...? who is he..?
No..? are you a coder or sumthin..?
hmm.. fighting..zexion, demyx and marluxia.. it's extreme.. When you're a Level One Weakling..
Ahahaha..^^ hey..i saw you a lot on Coder's Place
hmm.. how's the XIOn..? is it done..?
Ahaha.. it's Eien ^^ not eine..
Gee.. Thanks..But how..?