that's a stupid thing to say.. but, man...RIku.. DO look like a girl... ( i hope he's not gay)
i like the twilight thorn... it's fun battling him.. and he has an unique technique..
it's good and cool..and cute and funny too...
it's demyx.. wow that's unique..^^
Cool..! i like that one ^^
Cool! the marluxia chibi is Cute And the color's COOL.. NICE
you did a great Job Vexen ^^
Good job... dang it, if my scanner doesn't broken...
and Some image from me
hey-hey check this out. an ar tonelico anime..?
well.. i'll tell you something i know about Ar tonelico Lyner barsett the brave knight and the main character of the game..(and good looking too) Misha is the Cute little girl that lyner met at the prison...and she is a reyvateil too.. Aurica is the Cute and Sweet reyvateil girl but, she's a little gloomy at the beginning of the game..when know her...she's a good girl. you know renegade..too..? can i be your friend..? misha..?
hey.. can i be your friend..?
Hey...i'm a new member.. nice to meet ya..
Really..? you're a guardian..?
uh-huh... Thx ^^
Hi..can i be your Friend..? you can call my Lyner Barsett..^^
You're my senior on the group, remember..?
hi senior how ya doin'..?
huh..? you have posted it..? where..? give me the link ^^