uhn... are you okay..?
ahaha..^^ well..that's me
i'm good... and you..?
well.. no.. you don't have to ask him... i'll answer it myself.. i'm from indonesia... tch...that's so rare... an Ar tonelico and KH fan from...
well i'm no good at coloring.. lol
hooh... then..i i'll work hard for You girls..! *everybody cheers "Go Lyner! Go lyner!"*
hmm.. canada huh... well that's far away from me...lol if you want to know where i live.. ask a member named "renegade"...(on this community)
oh yeah.. i remember that scene.. where do you live shurelia..?
you need to color it.. Dude and after you colored it.. it'll be awesome
Keep it up dude..
oh i see.... well that's a good explanation... since when you know misha and Aurica aka Birth by sleep 13 and kingdom girl..?
lol.. actually.. i'm 14.. well i know cosmosphere is.. cosmosphere is...is..umm... i forgot..
hey..how are you... btw the ice divine or sumthin' drawing is COOl SO COOL
btw... how old are you...? i'm 15..
whoa.. i don't even know that..
here.. [IMG] you look cute with maid dress.. [IMG]
really..? thanks i really wanted it^^ i've got a present for you..here [IMG]
hehe ^^ me too.. this is getting fun..
really thanks [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] see.., they're cute
here [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] that's three of them..