Aww computer restriction...I hate that..but oh well..hope to see you back soon even if we haven't met yet xD *gives a plate of cookies* ^^ bye!
Hi and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules and post lots hope you enjoy your stay! =)
Hii and welcome to kh-vids!! ^^ remember to read the rules and post lots. Have fun!! =)
Hi and welcome to kh-vids!! enjoy your stay =)
Hiii and welcome to kh-vids! any question just PM me =) and remember to read the rules!!
Well..I really don't really believe in ghost..altough that ghost movies really make me believe that they DO exist
Bye! and have fun on the band trip! n______n
The Kill- Thirty Seconds To Mars
S.O.S - Jonas Brothers =D
I'd rather get a Wii =)
See you soon Frodis! and good luck on joo grades ;O;
Aww too bad you have to leave..but we'll see you soon! =)
(Umm..excuse there any space for 1 more?)
Hi and welcome to kh-vids! remember these things: -Read the rules - Post lots - Have fun! =) Hope to see ya around!
Hiii!! =) and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules post lots and have fun!
I have nu idea who j00 are but...nice to meet you and welcome back I guess? haha but anywayz you still have to read the rules :3 just in case of course..Have fun!
Hi I'm Misa-Chan! =D welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun!
Hi and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun! enjoy your stay =)
Hello and welcome to kh-vids remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun! =) enjoy your stay
Hai and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots, spam only in the spam zone and have fun! =D any questions just PM me have fun!