nothin much me and sora's apretince wereon org 13 rpg cuz there was nothing to do
hey wats up adam :)
larxene:alright then!*summons knives and attack troops*what happened anyway?
larxene:hey are yall fighting something?finally somethings happening
larxene:what the
kay then see ya there
hey should just go on the rpg cuz theres nothing to do?
me niether thats why i asked
kay then, anyrhing u wanna talk about
kay bye pipedown
larxene:dont call me larxy, but thanks! hey by the way where is xion?
i wasnt saying it was weird u know
i know right
larxene:you have a point she worthless! i mean what harm can she really do, graffiti the place
oh okay then
im just at home doing nothing its pretty boring