hello there
hello there :)
larxene: what werido right demyx?
jenny:how weird oh btw i didnt start this war, see ya or not...*leaves*
nothing really etheir
jenny:*comes out of nowhere* larxene:*throws knife at jenny* i know u killed xion and that u started this war stupid idot! jenny:that hurt ya know!beside i didnt start it u know and i didnt kill her u did!
larxene:fine then
okay then.
nah its okay
larxene:fine if u wanna get killed that stupid kid did this
really, i have a cousin who has the same problem
larxene:well it not mt fault are u gonna help us or are u gonna be standing idots about to get killed
its not really bad i just cant see stuff from far away
oh kay then im letting u know that in the org rpg a war was started kay
hey wats up
i have to use glasses but i dont wear them all the time mostly at shool, on weekends not really sometimes
not really nothing exciting happened
well we couldnt thing about anything to talk about so we went on the rpg thats why
larxene:her?wow and i just made fun her a while ago*slashes through a troop* this isnt going to be easy!