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  1. Aster Phoenix
    Profile Post

    No problem

    No problem
    Profile Post by Aster Phoenix for Arceus192, Dec 5, 2009
  2. Aster Phoenix
  3. Aster Phoenix
    Well i got the game to read it but when turning wisdom the game crashed
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Aster Phoenix
    Umm this isn't a form its just a working weapon mod

    But do exuse me but where do you get the codes to change oathkeeper and oblivian like that

    And also could someone convert this to AR and test it?

    Go into wisdom
    20356F3C 41000000 - fast! speed
    21CB97B4 5F303031- Form model change
    21CB97B8 58455F50- Anti-Form model
    01CB97F6 00000018- Aurons moveset
    10340B4c 00000036- Battlefields of war
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Aster Phoenix
    I DID IT!!!
    here it is the Auron weapon mod code

    Hold L2 and walk into a room

    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    1033FEC0 00000036
    01CB9736 00000018


    Also side effects: using any ability that is added (dodge slash guard break.ect) Will cause the blade to dissipier
    But using the origanal 4 hit combo + combo pluses will work fine.

    And you Cannot i repeat CANNOT go to the Olympus Collosiem
    I don't know why but when you do the game will crash.

    With this code on you do not have a finishing move so no killing of the bosses but if you try to do a finisher your sword dissipiers
    So equip all your combo pluses to have a satisfying attack
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Aster Phoenix
    Well since people are being *****y about me making a thread about it I'll ask here

    How do you create a custom form
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Aster Phoenix
    Well i tried all of the codes you guys gave me so far for the blade, all of them failed horribly.
    The UWM just gave me a Kingdom Key
    The Moveset with joker when i walked into a room with the joker the second i let go it froze
    And without joker i have no weapon and when i jump it froze

    Anything else?
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Aster Phoenix
    Its called "Battlefields of War"
    I think
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Aster Phoenix
    If so like could there be a notepad doument i could download with all their weapon digits on there

    But y'know Aurons is cool
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Aster Phoenix
    No how do i get Aurons weapon not giving auron my weapon
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Aster Phoenix
    Hello my good coding mates =D

    I was hoping that you guys could give me a little help

    Where would i find the codes to give me weapons from them world char's

    Like Auron
    I know it's possaible as good old Coder180 showed with Mulans sword

    When i go to the weapon mod digits all i see are Sora, goofy, and donalds weapons

    Any one know where i can find the digits for the others?
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Aster Phoenix
    Sorry to say nether worked, i went to hollow bastion Postern went towards the door that leads outside held down R2 it faded to black as i went through the door...and that was it, it stayed black screen

    Alright the weirdist thing happened

    i dissided to use some of my codes for a little fun

    I made sephy the emporor in the throne room
    Cloud as soldier number one
    Made myself roxas
    And turned on the origanal code you gave me
    Jokered and BOOM lances

    I think its because i have the ultima weapon on in this save i heard something about having to have that on

    Thanks dude
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Aster Phoenix
    Well yes and no to the Weapon mod
    Yes it worked i got a weapon mod
    No it was not Xaldin's lances but it was Mulan's sword

    I think you got a little mixed up in the coding there
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Aster Phoenix
    That was the same model mod i used before, Now the xaldin lance code
    Is that the AR and RAW or is that one huge code?
    And that is the converter i have been using
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Aster Phoenix
    I wanted to do the Xaldin's lances weapon mod for Action replay MAX i tried converting but when loading a level the game crashes

    And i converted the Model Mod but i enter turn it on and i start the game and theres no difference nothing happens
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Aster Phoenix
    Hey i tried converting the weapon mod to AR but when i start the game with it on the levels don't load

    also with the AR version of the Model Mod that you supplied it goes in a nuber sequence which is wrong

    Thats how yours is set up
    It is supposed to be
    Your missing the last digits
    Do i need to convert them to AR if so what is their origanal format
    Post by: Aster Phoenix, Dec 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault