Great pics. I like the hankerchief
Gepedo "I'm Gepedo and this is my son Pinocchio" Sora "Is he your biological son?" Gepedo "Why yes I'm Gepedo the tree humper" Sora "Don't you mean tree hugger?" Gepedo "Oh boy i wish"
Ouch Also quick question What the hell is PS2DSI Or whatever I see it all around this thread
Not having glide at the begining of the damn game Demyx being easy the first time but then the seacond time you underestimate him so you get served Losing all of your crap from kh1 because of CoM Not getting an option to play the game as Roxas past Twilight town Not getting a kewl crown ;( Sephy being to easy not having the metal chocobo the keyblades being weekier only 4 summons not getting exp at the collisium not being long enough and not having a FF world...Thats about it
Learn how to play the guitar
Alright thanks anyway
Does anyone have a code so that Roxas has the org outfit. I mean you got the guy in his pj's can't you get him in the coat?
And the left hand mod dosent work in general But yeah thats the jist of it
Yes but what I want is a code so thats his left weapon but the left weapon mod on the front page crashes my game so i end up having to but ultima on there
Hey new custom form Genesis Form (Change keyblade to ultima and turn into Master to activate) 21C95308 0A070764 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 201A4CE0 240B0003 201A4CE4 A1CB2524 2037CE9C 40000000 21CB9814 5F303031 21CB9818 464C5442 21CEF160 00000074 0033FEC9 000000C8 0033FECB 000000C8 201A0568 10000006 39J3-WJX9-XEV42 FRJK-BQEQ-UUF01 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 MM8B-5MF3-1E6EW XBFE-DMG1-9VZXC N1M7-Y8FM-ZN2DV 5654-6AVD-JF5KT V2DF-VQC9-FJC1D ZY43-VE70-MCQF5 8T8M-X5G1-3R9TM FUC4-36DU-UFMWJ 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ
The only digits i know of is 0074 the other one intilted FAKE is not the one I am looking for I want the actual golden keyblade one
I tried that and all it gave me was the lillie putt map and for apperience it was guardin soul
Hey does anyone have a code that makes finals left weapon always mickeys blade I tried the left hand mod on the front page but it crashes my game when i try putting it on ultima with mickeys key is ultima
I just need something Does anyone have these 2 codes if possiable 1: that is a model mod for drives so that when i drive into master i am Halloween master? and its useable for AR max because thats what i use and 2: A code so that when i drive into a form all keyblades become a sertin keyblade intiil you revert y'know so like if i wanted so that when i drive into a form i had mickeys key and ultima and when i reverted i had the original key i had but without having to have a sertin key on to activate it ________________________________ Alright guys here it is My first custom form And do note this is just sort of a prototype you don't have to put it on the front page i plan on editing this code further to fix the few bugs also as being a prototype intill i can get the second blade weapon mod for final working you are going to have to go to items and change finals keyblade to ultima Here it is King Form (Drive Into Final) 21CB9874 5F303031 21CB9878 46495254 201A0568 10000006 21CEF160 00000074 2037CE9C 40000000 00340B9E 00000007 YFK6-H46J-AG7XX 8PQ6-AN9H-KMJYH Q6F7-EYGG-Y9QW7 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ ZY43-VE70-MCQF5 N1M7-Y8FM-ZN2DV FJ1B-5DCF-W4UK1 And do rememebr to equip ultima on final because theres a weapon mod in there thats set for ultima
Hey guys I'm still working on a custom form and i need you guys help again I came across this set of code that seems to be some sort of weapon mod but i can't find out if it is and if so how it would only activate when turning into a sertin form and going away when reverting or running out of guage Here: 21CEF160 It's some sort of weapon mod It is used for xaldins lances and mickeys key the mickey key code is 21CEF160 00000074 and xaldin being 21CEF160 00000845 What does this code do and how can i harrnis its power for my own personal use also if you could just also answer the question how would i have the weapon reappear and disappear and whatnot that would be a good alternative
Hey the role modifier: bosses are ally's code. Everytime i use it it freezes my game No madder what boss code is with it Even if theres nothing on but that code it freezes my game Any help?
Alright Zelda is a good series but for Christ sake they made another. One game: ya' awesome game awaiting more Two games: Great better then the original Three games: Good game but same story line Four games: This bores me But look at all of the games Adventure of Link A Link to the Past Link's Awakening Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Oracle of Seasons Oracle of Ages The Wind Waker The Minish Cap Twilight Princess Phantom Hourglass And now Spirit Tracks I mean seriously how many games can you make out of the idea that Some 15 year old kid saves a princess then gets laid. It's as bad as Mario with Princess Peach but at least mario mixes it up a little. Well that ends my rant In short Stop makng Zelda games It's not fun anymore T_T
Chapter one: New Beginnings. Distant thoughts, Distant Memories. Your time is now. You are he. He who shall save thy kingdom. He who shall be awaken. “Ahh!†I awake in a cold sweat, my bead drenched in it. “Ah jeez what a dream†I turn my head and look at the clock, It reads 5:36am. I rub my eyes and rise from my bed. I walk downstairs to see my father sitting there with his morning newspaper And cup of coffee. “Hey dad, what are you doing up?†Said I In a confused tone. “Ahh your mother is wearing that damn new perfume again, the fumes coming off her keeps me awake. What about you?†he asked “Nightmare†I said calmly. “I’m gonna’ go see if Naomi is home, see ya’ later dad†I said grabbing my back pack. “Okay see ya’ Kokoro†I ran over to my neighbor Naomi’s house, her and me have been friends for as long as I can remember. I walk up the stone steps skipping the hole on the left middle step as always, I knock on the door “Why hello Kokoro†Said Naomi’s mother “Naomi’s just getting dressed, she’ll be down in a momentâ€. I sat on the front step for about 4 minutes when I heard that door open, but as to my surprise, and shock it wasn’t Naomi but her older brother Chad. A few years ago something happened to Chad that I never knew. Last summer Naomi and me went on a trip on her fathers Boat, Chad didn’t come with us. When we got back he was… different, he wasn’t himself. “Hi Chad how’s it going?â€. He walks without saying a word. “Hey Kokoro!†Said Naomi excitedly “Hey Naomi you wanna’ go up to thtown? We can take the tram†“Okay but lets take the one that goes to straight to Twilight townâ€.
Thank you :D
What the title says.