I've been to 2 diffrent graphic shops at 2 different sites and nether actually does it I waited 2 months for the first and about 28 days for the secound...i got nether So here this is all i want size: 400 by 120 Text:The worlds have given us this doorway. Subtext: They want us to be the guardians of their destiny. Image:http://www.tranism.com/weblog/images/kh2_fm_cutscene_mickey.jpg Anything Extra?: Some blueish black effects
Hey does anyone have the drive forms are allies code?
Yes that is quite possiable. Or maybe the whole "erase me" thing doesnt just remove ven from excitence maybe it also removes the memory of Ven. And knowing kingdoms hearts fetish with memorys it could be possible . But thats something we'll find out in BBS
I was just wondering that as well. Maybe they forgot about him or something I mean it was 10 years before they met.
Here And heres the weird thing! Heres ven at yen sid tower And heres sora at yen sid tower Weird aye? Anyway enjoy!
I need Sora to have aurons sora to have goofys and donald to have soras
I'll do it! send me the codes in a pm and I'll send you the results tomorrow!
Ohh 0_0 Damn you vista! Gotta be lovin that Windows Xp
I'm guessing you grabbed the wrong file? Its alright take your time ^_^
Umm thanks but uhh. I already have the neo moveset mod i need the ARM mod y'know ARM MOVESET It allow Sora to take a Char Arm and replace with his and allow him to wield the weapon that that Char could in that Arm E.G Goofy Arm (Shield) replaces Sora Left hand (Keyblade) replaced* Sora Left Hand (Shield) this would be done by giving soras left hand goofys left hand arm mod you see? Does anyone have THAT
Hey could someone give me the arm moveset mod and the digits for me and also tell me how to use it If you were able to put it in a text document that would be swell Thanks a bunch!
I have a plan everybody |D What we're gonna do is, when the children come to land the plain coming to record the album We hijack the controll tower and say our runways are full and say that theres a brand new airport in the middle of the ocean. They were never seen again
Yes but. A modded ps2 allows you to swap disks. Swap magic sends you to a screen in which you would use some sort of tool and open the tray then you would insert your disk I would need something for it to be on so i can swap the game you see. What do i need to do so
Game Monster hunter Freedom Name khazu What it is: hell if i know i think...monster of some sort?
Hey Need a object mod for the hall of the cornerstone I have these digits 11C538E8 0000???? Skateboard mod 11C535C4 0000???? They don't work Could someone give me some wroking ones and tell me whats wrong with these Thanks
You don't need gameshark for unlimited cash Heres a normel cheat for it 1000 Balls Go to the cheats and enter FPATCH. For the money Go down the road from your mansion. Teft turn at the end to the parking lot where the trailer is parked in the corner of the yellowish brick wall. Enable the "1,000 Balls" code to fill your Balls meter. After enabling the code, exchange your Balls for money. Repeat this as many times as desired. The higher your rep, the more money you will get for your Balls.
This is the entire reason of the seperation of church and state in which If your jewish agnostic athiest christain or hell even buddest you can be presedent So yes i do beleive it would be just fine But then again i also am atheist and i think that "one nation under god" shouldent be in the pledge of aligence and you shouldent have to pray in school
My bad then do you have any of those?
Hey is there any model mods for Roxas? I am asking cuz' i know theres one for FM that lets you have Vens armor whens Terras there has anyone made something simalar for normal kh2?