Oh, okay!XD I gotta go. I'm making myself dinner. Later!:D
I found out is either the hair on an elephant's butt or a monkey's butt.
XD Do you listen to them?
It will. I'm not turning my back on the strongest krutch I've ever had. <.< >.> August Burns Red lyrics really do work in real life!:D
It sucks.SO MUCH! DX The only good thing in my life right now is FL.
Oh! And happy belated birthday!:D
Oh, okay. How's life?
Yep! :D Why do you ask?
*sneaks in to your room in a trash can disguise* *throws disguise off and glomps you* What's up?:D
Wazzup, DF?
Whoa! Awesome!!! That sweet!
I.....have no clue. I think I might've been high when I said that! XD jk.
I gotta go soon, dude. I'm talking to FL then I'm getting off.
Wazzup, dude?
It sucked. My mom was mad cause Obama won the Election, so she took all her anger out on me.=( I felt horrible last night.
Cool! How's your day?
Wazzup, Obsessed?
Xellon looked at her disgustedly."No..." Suddenly, he heard a noise."We got company..."
Xellon looked at her blankly."I'm just a happy person."
*looks at angrily* Screw you! Just kidding, I wouldn't ever say that to my huggle buddy!:D *huggles*