I mean, we've only been going out for 5 days, so we're not all smoochey whoochey and stuff yet.
Cool, I haven't talked to mine since Tuesday.:(
Oh, sorry dude. Didn't know...:sweatdrop: Yeah, I'd still like those.:D
I'll just give a little description 'bout my character. Name: Xellon Weapon: Nobody's Resort Appearance: Black, long hair, skater dude style; a green short-sleeve hoodie with flame effects around the neck; baggy cargo pants that zip off at the knees to become shorts; black and white Vans shoes
I posted.:D
Can I be a keyblade master?
Okay. I'll look at it.
What's it about?
Hey, just comin' by to see what's up. Talk to you later. <3
Many may not know, but I'm a professional stalker. <.<.....>.>
Namine smirked."Suuuure...." She giggled, and sung under her breath,"Sora and Kairi sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s...."
"Why are you so down, Sora? You should be happy!" Namine responded, putting her hands to his face and forcing his frown into a smile. Simba looked at Tron. "I don't speak data program, either." He replied.
Namine went to see what the commotion was about. She gasped in excitement."More love in the air!' She galloped happily through the restraunt. Simba looked at the cash register. What is this thing's pupose? he asked himself.
See ya, dude.
True dat, true dat as the gangsters say. I'm not a huge fan of that stuff, I just think it's funny.
Oh, okay. Yeah, you are.:D
Soooooooooo having any new literary callings?