I have a plush teddy bear :3 Though he isn't very plushie. He's actually rather flat <<
Well I've never heard of White Stripes so I suppose my vote goes to Linkin Park since I love them and all :3
I just saw this movies last Wednesday and I loved it. I was dying to see it before hand and it definitely was not disappointing. A very cute film :3
Kingdom Hearts definitely changed my views on Disney movies, prior to kh I used to love 'The Little Mermaid,' now it just irritates me ;_;
Not recently, but when I was a whole lot younger I told myself I'd read Gone With The Wind. I hardly made a dent in it before dropping it completely xP But these days I can usually read most anything without a problem, though I did find Beowulf to be quite the struggle.
I really liked the Casper movies, mostly the first one though. But the thing is, thinking about the other ghosts makes my tummy feel funny. They really are rather disgusting :p
Deep Dive was basically an in between clip for kh and kh2. And I don't understand how that could have been Roxas if it were a clip from before kh's time frame, I always figured Roxas didn't even come into existence until Sora stabs himself in kh =/
Goofy was blocked out of that area before even setting one foot in it, kinda sad really. But then Donald went and joined him shortly after. Then when Sora goes and stabs himself, yes Goofy was there, but they probably felt he didn't need to have a line right then. Square Enix most likely figured Donald screaming out "SORA SORA!!" would suffice :3
I bite my lip, crack my knuckles, fiddle with my earrings, and dream subconsciously.
I didn't even realize that was a dark version of Destiny Island, I thought they called it 'the end of the road' or something to that extent =/ And as for what you said about kh3 and there being dark versions of other worlds, I think that would add to an interesting plot. I think it sounds rather cool.
When King Mickey kept Riku's secret, even when Sora was desperate to figure it out.
xD Thanks. And yes, the squirrel is amazing. Darn, I missed you by a week D: Thank you :3
Is that why a duck baby fell out of my faucet?
I'm afraid if I join and get an account they might ban me for a week D:
Odd enough I have two friends, one with the 'A' and the other with the 'C', that would apply to this theory. Though in all honesty I don't believe it has to do with initials, it's most likely just coincidence.
O.O oops, she's gunna kill me right? *tries to cover it up*
Hey family, guess what... << >> I JUST GOT MY BELLY BUTTON PIERCED!!! =D *Faints of happiness*
Doing a barrel roll would result in me falling out of my chair.... I'll have to think about it <<
~Muffin~ I really like you're haircut, it's so shiny :3 And here are some pics of me and such: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/IMG_0451.jpg ^Me (red hair) and my friends on our trip to Washington DC http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/IMG_0484.jpg ^The demon squirrel we found near Lincoln Memorial xD http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/Photo5.jpg ^And look, I just got my belly button pierced two hours ago! =D
Whoa, 80 posts! Thats relatively good in my book ^_^ So how do you figure out each of our post count in our family anyway?