Nothing special really, I used to get together with my dad's side of the family for dinner. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles are such characters, we always have a blast together. Though sadly since my parent's divorce I can't do that this year, so I guess I'll just be stuck with my mom and siblings =/ Seems rather boring in comparison but I'll just have to get used to it and get over it, then we can just make new traditions :3
I hope Macs aren't affected =/ Thanks for the warning.
The Santa Clause, but I only like the first one. In addition I also LOVE watching the Home Alone movies and How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
My sister is getting a chinchilla soon, I hope it's supper soft and not evil :3
Is your hamster abusing you? I once had one that bit me the first day I got her, so I named it Nippy xD But then I thought that was kinda rude of me so shortly after I changed her name to Chippy.
I didn't know Elmo was a masochist.
Well the sugar levels practically even things out :3
Chocolate chip cookies hurt my tummy ;_;
I thought it was odd how Sora, Donald, and Mickey just left Goofy's supposedly dead body after he was hit by a rock. I mean I know they had to move on to fight all the heartless and such, but it seemed so disrespectful to just leave his body like that =/
The only real similarity I see is in hair styling technique xD
I doubt Axel is Riku's nobody, though your comparison of the two was rather accurate. I didn't realize they had so much in common.
I never really noticed, but I doubt it holds much importance. There are loads of people in real life who have changing eye colors, just think of it like that.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! OMG I hope you get better soon mother T.T
I think I just died for about an hour ;_; Glad to see we're back and running though =D
A lovely lady.
In their heads people can contort Sora and Riku's relationship as much as they want, but in all reality nothing in the game goes beyond them being best friends =/
Introduce him to a new type of soul sucking creature.
I made a funny face reading through that xD
Your Deadly Sin Sloth: 60% Lust: 20% Wrath: 20% Envy: 0% Gluttony: 0% Greed: 0% Pride: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% You will get bugs, because you're too lazy to shoo them off. And then you'll die. Ew, that's gross D:
xD Heh, I saw this a few months ago and found it rather amusing :3