I hadn't even started kh when kh2 came out, so I suppose it wasn't such a big deal at the time.
Warmth > Door
I don't really see anything bothersome about them, people are showing them in their sigs to try to point out that they are unique...just like everybody else << xD
Part 1: L spinning in his chair. Part 2: A sig one of my friends made for me. Part 3: The backward lines from Sanctuary/Passion.
Thanks for that, I can feel included now :3
I went to sign it, but the link didn't bring me to any petition =/ Darn, I really wanted to put my name in. Oh well >.<
That was amazing xD *Bend & snap*
I was bored, so pictures followed shortly after... http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/IMG_0645.jpg ^ Typical mirror pic, lol at the ladybug who wandered onto the mirror. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/IMG_0661.jpg ^ I got my hair cut a tad the other day.
Setzer: "Hey. Rucksack." Sora: "And then we can go see Santa!!" Seifer: "That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lammers."
I highly enjoy tickling my younger sister, it's one of my joys in life :3
Well I prefer baths, but I haven't taken one in ages. The tub in my house was made for midgets ;_; So basically I have no choice but to take showers, though I'm fine with that.
Happy Birthday Catch The Rain! And here's to many more ^_^
Here is my cat and dog :3 MacKenzie Luke
Yes and no. For the most part I'm not ticklish no matter how hard someone may try, but then there are those few times when someone can get a squirm out of me.
Congrats on your improvement of drawing skills. ^_^ I still need to work on mine, they're somewhat lacking xP
I walk in and people are getting emotional over Billy Ray Cyrus...Interesting xD So what's up people ^_^
It's not exactly a specific injury but I have really loose ligaments. It doesn't sound so bad but it has resulted in several of my worst injuries. A few years ago I twisted my ankle and wound up in physical therapy for half a year. I also had a back injury earlier this year due to my loose ligaments. I'd say that was the worst, three months of constant severe pain every time I moved (plus more physical therapy). I'm kinda wondering what's going to happen next X_x
Well I might fill out a form...but me joining would really depend on your take of my answers.