Heh, not in a 'frightened' way xD I mean in a 'disturbing what on earth are they doing?!' way. I just find it really odd.
I read The Giver several years ago so it's a tad blurry to me but I still recall bits of it. Something I remember really sticking out was the way they killed the babies. That part has got to be one of the most depressing and disturbing things I have ever read. It puts a frown on my face just thinking about it. But despite that it was a great book. I did find the ending to be rather confusing though. But I'm probably going to try to reread it soon since my younger sister is reading it for school now. I figure it might be interesting to pick up on things I didn't notice the first time.
This show scares me and cracks me up at the same time. I don't watch it very often though since I don't have CN anymore >.<
Tim Burton and Alice in Wonderland seem like conflicting styles. It'll be interesting how he works it out. Sounds like a definite must see though.
Bye-Bye! I probably ought to go too... *Sulks off to go do homework*
How could I forget your lovely wolf drawings? :3 Love it!
Check for swordser's IP ?
True I suppose. But then again he did fight Axel a moment later.
Hiya! *waves* I like how everything in your sig and avy are all blue. Tis very matchy-cutesie :3
Overall I think I'd like to stay human, though sometimes I suppose it would be nice to not have emotion <<
Xehanort's Heartless seemed to put very little effort into his fighting, he was a piece of cake. On the other hand I found Xemnas to be rather tricky, so by default I'd have to say he was more powerful. Though I do really wonder what Xehanort's Heartles would be like if he actually tried.
There is only one cheat that I sometimes use and that is to help restore a low drive gauge, other than that I see no need for cheats. And as for all those coding cheats, I have no idea how all that works, though all of it looks so cool.
If Pete was visible while fighting the heartless people would most likely assume he was part of the battle, thus distracting you from the heartless you're supposed to be dealing with.
He has the body and mind set of a fifteen year old, yet he has only been in existence for about a year. Quite a predicament I'd say.
My lips are sealed :x
Being sick at school is the worst. I had the same issue a few weeks ago except it was chills and a temp instead of nearly passing out. Probably just a minor flu bug.
Well now that I've been thoroughly educated I must try this out tomorrow *crosses fingers and hopes it works* Thanks for the advice ^_^
Hi Mother =D What's up?
I have a friend who knows how to evade the school blocks, though I have yet to figure it out.
You're so lucky, kh-vids is blocked at my school ;_;