My first post was in a news thread by Xaldin, I think it was introducing an addition of Kingdom Hearts collectables to Square Enix's site.
Definitely looks male to me.
Well I was with some friends when it happened and we did have a bit of fun before getting ourselves back inside. =D
I love the snow so dearly :3 Though sadly it was snowing last night and I got myself locked outside in it. Quite the win/lose situation.
I'd have to say my favorite is Master Form since I really like that one wind/spinning attack. Even though I really do like Final Form I found Sora constantly gliding to be rather disabling. I thought it was difficult to exit through some of the passages since you have to do it a specific point, thus wasting time and the gauge.
Well despite Sora being my favorite, Riku definitely gets my vote on the cool factor. I find his style to be very simple, yet still rad.
I was in complete and utter shock when this happened. But I was actually more shocked by the way they just left Goofy there supposedly dead.
My initials are MAM. Which can be seen as ma'am, a respectable term for the female variety. But in all reality my mother chose it with Marilyn Monroe in mind. xD
I love ultimate frisbee, I find so much enjoyment in it :3
I seriously love all/most fruit, therefore my favorite changes from time to time. At the moment I grapes are my favorite though, so tasty.
American Citizenship. I'm a fairly good citizen already, I don't feel the need to take a class on it, thank you very much.
I collect ticket stubs. Most of them are just from movies I've seen but I also have a few from fairs I've been to and theater performances I've seen. I think they make nice memorabilia.
I lol'd at the topic and then title of this thread. Nice job xD
I lol'd hard towards the middle. Carry on please :3
~Check PMs ~Check rep ~Search name ~Check banned members/whose online ~Check new spam stuff ~Meander around the site In a nutshell that's pretty much it xP
Nope, never had one. I remember 6th-8th grade teachers used to shell out detentions like there was no tomorrow, so it's pretty much amazing I've never been stuck for something. In high school detentions seem pretty rare though, either that or people are more hush hush about them.
Nah, I don't really believe in miracles. I pretty much believe whatever happens happens, not much to it.
My favorite band is Panic! at the Disco since I find their style extremely catchy. Shinedown, Flyleaf, and 1997 are also some bands I love.
I love RENT. I remember going into the movie theaters knowing nothing about it, then less than a year later I was viewing it on Broadway. Me and a friend of mine are quite the RENT-heads, we even when to one of Anthony Rapp's book signings xD
I remember loving these movies dearly as a child. But after the fifth or sixth one came out I was just fed up D<