Are you from the FBI or CIA?
Well I still like your username now, but if I were to make a suggestion it would be Monster Mash I dunno why, it just sounded fun :3
if you're looking to get Final Form fast I've always found The Underworld to be a great place.
Princess Jasmine, I dunno why, but her talking really bugged me =/
I'm pretty sure that Roxas is an exception to the whole behaving heartless attitude because of Sora still being alive and well. He shows the emotions of having a heart since Sora still has his. The same probably goes for Namine and Kairi as well.
If I could change anything I would add more onto the relationship between Sora and Kairi << But that's just me, I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff :3
In all honesty I think it would be Xigbar, but from that list I would definitely have to got with Riku and his angsty attitude and fighting skills.
I beat him around level 84, I was shocked that I managed to, but beat him fair and square none the less.
Yup, we saw loads of monuments and got to stay at a fancy hotel xD
Hola family! I just got back from my school field trip to Washington DC, twas grand :3 So what's up? And coco, I really like that last pic of yours =D It's cool how you did it in purple instead of black or gray or whatever.
My parents are aware, but it's not like they care.
Well I’m going on my senior class trip to Washington DC this week. It should be fun minus all the schoolwork the teachers will make us do. =/ But yeah, the bus will probably get us back sometime Saturday night, therefore I’ll be able to get back on that night or some time Sunday. It’s not like many people on here know me, but I figured I’d leave a thread in my absence. Now until my return I bid you all adieu. :3 *goes to pack*
I really don't see what the big competition between Riku and Roxas is about. I see them both at a very equal status =/
Definitely Fenrir, I can practically feel its strength as I grasp it in my hands. It really is quite lovely :3
The Only Thing That Matters in your pants
Usually I prefer watching anime with Japanese voicing and English subs. I think I'm able to get more out of it that way, plus lots of anime have the tendency of saying something odd or inappropriate and I would rather my family not overhear << My only exception is when an anime is so long that I doubt I'd be able to tolerate reading subs for so many episodes. Basically I go with whatever is most convenient.
It's pretty much impossible for me to listen to one of Linkin Park's songs and not love it to death right away.
I really like 'Best Of You' by them, though I don't know much else of their work.
Well I don't particularly tend to stick to a single genre, but for the most part I listen to alternative.