I agree with Mulan, her heart definitely seemed to be in the right place.
Well it came back right after Sora and King Mickey locked Kingdom Hearts. That probably had a great deal to do with the return of Destiny Island.
Well, the best I could come up with is Naxameg for me. Kinda odd, but most Organization XIII names are :3
9/10 ~Because most of your posts entertain me.
I love CSI/Law & Order type things, the mystery is captivating. Though I have no talent in coming up with such stories xD
I don't think her skill level will noticeably change in future kh games unless we actually get to play as her. The only reason she seems like such a pathetic fighter now is because of that one scene in kh2 when she fights the heartless. It didn't look like much effort was put into making her look strong, perhaps they were going for the 'damsel in distress' impression. xD
Sure I still play. But usually it's only when nothing else particularly entertaining is happening in life. I'm afraid if I play it too often I might get tired of it though, so I try to keep it to a minimum.
So, how's the weather?
Heh, I'm in a creative writing class at school and the teacher makes us dish out a poem or short story nearly every class. I love it though, so much fun coming up with new ideas and such ^^
That's an even better idea. I'll be sure to read them tomorrow since it's kinda late right now >.<
Oh man, that's probably going to be such a pain to narrow down >.< Well you could probably still do a poll, just pick the 15/23 you (or your family) like best :3
With age comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes greater boundaries. So no, I don't mind aging.
I love posting. Typing these very words fills me with excitement.
Hi family! That is, if anyone is on right now :3
I'm pretty sure that referrals are the number of members you've brought to the site, not the number of members that have brought you (which could really possibly only be one).
I loved this show when it was still playing. My favorite episode was when Kel's insides turned orange. xD
I didn't really find Organization XIII difficult at all, I actually don't recall losing to any of them in KHII. The only one that concerns me is Luxord though, I still don't really know how to defeat him. It just sorta happened.
I'd love to be of the homo sapiens species, wouldn't that just be the greatest? =D
I cant even tell you how many times I've been offered cigarettes and marijuana. But no matter how hard the pressure is, I've never given in. Thankfully my friends respect my decision though. So nope, never smoked anything.
Well I'm pretty sure the two were just blocked out by that force field. I really don't think there was much reason behind it except to show Mulan's increase of morale.