Honestly, it mostly depends on the kind of Heroes you want. I know that if you want to run Heroes like Avian, Burstinatrix, etc, you might wanna...
GET ON MOAR D: It does. I really do miss those good times we had.
Of course >_>" Jay, I won't be able to duel. Something came up. We'll get to the duel when I get the chance.
Places bro, places. Sure. Lol. Give me like, a day to make my move though.
Honestly? If he isn't trolling in the slightest and even said that Absolute Zero is bad, then there's no point in arguing with him. He's just...
I'm not here. >> << LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Twin Vortex God Cards: Don't care. First Player: ME ME ME ME ME ME ME Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None Using stuff from Generation Force and Yusei.dek.
ohaaaaaai i miss you too D: I need to get on here more again lol. I'm just fine. You, Onee-chan?
I need to stay here longer. LP: 8000 Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: Clustering Wishes and several other cards Yusei has used against ZONE. You can use whatever. Video Game Exclusives: None God Cards: None First Player: Your choice. Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None And for the hell of it, I'm using Quasar.
...How is one going to read that? o_o
Because posting the effect of said card and a link to the wikia page is totally unfair and unreadable.
I still don't get what's up with you and this Translation thing.
<3333333333333 Another alien race? Do you know anything about this one?
Just came to post this. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shooting_Quasar_Dragon
<333333333 HOORAY, they will never have you. those weirdos and their acid spit >:
<33333 I see. You declined because you're our queen, correct? o:
RAAAAAAAAAIN <3 Where'd you go?
Congratulations. You really are Evil Yusei aka ZONE. *shot* OH MY GOD, THAT'D BE SO EFFIN' METAL /ygotas Card Games on Motorcycles, ten thousand feet IN THE AIR. I swear, this duel is amazing. What I meant to say was that he HAS no other combos except for the obvious ones. And if I'm not using his stuff, what would be the point of me being Dark Glass?
My EXACT reaction.
EXACTLY. tbh, Bruno has so many obvious combos. He isn't as fun. I KNOW RIGHT SO, ARE WE TOTALLY GOING TO DO THAT ANYWAY? You could be like, my Yusei Mentor. xD You're better with the deck than me. Also, @Paradox ...Wait-
This way, we can start a random Tag Duel and get like, six Shooting Stars. Force other team to raegquit.