YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU POISON THE ARENA WITH BOOZE THAT IS... ...the greatest idea i've ever heard of gimme some of that
Yes... yes... you're a pretty rich boy. oh my god what happened to this place
I didn't mean to sound like a complete ****** even though I was. I just hate when people lash out at Synchros, say they killed the game, and everyone is running them, when they're obviously not. Because I can see it in your beautiful wealthy eyes. I'll be there~ What. ...WHAT. *highfives*
I still don't understand why Jay thinks his Haou deck is that amazing compared to his regular E-Heroes. D:
@Droid: 10'ish it is. I'll come pick you up in a fancy ass limo. Quasar is only ban worthy because it's as easy to summon as Shi En and drops a Shooting Star. ...Not really. Non randoms are easy too. Yeah. >Summon a Warrior >Super Poly, eat a dragon. Then you come up with ways to eliminate the backrow and mass removal of the Syncs. It's not hard, but you waste a bunch of advantage. Because Assault Mode and Quasar. EDIT: HELL YOU CAN USE HONEST AHAHAHAHAHA Inverz, GemKnights, Elemental Heroes, New Exceed Abuse, Skill Drain Malefics Hardly see variety? You're trolling.
Your Stick Figure of stickfigure is awful.
Say around, 8'ish?
JADEN MAH BOI! >easier to summon >"its not every day you can draw 2 monsters of the same level and summon them both in the same turn cuz their most likely going to be destroyed next turn if you dont have something to stop an attack..." oh my god my sides hahahahahahahahahaha stop living under a rock, that's normal Some Syncs are broken, but not 90% of them. Not every single one of them is a Dark Strike Fighter or Brionac. They haven't ruined the game. They just sped it up. ... Red Nova/Shooting Star are incredibly easy to get rid of. What on earth are you smoking? Black Luster Soldier has been limited with the new list (pissed everyone off). No Sync compares to Chaos Emperor Dragon except Dark Strike Fighter.
Oh that was me. Wasn't a Manga Scan. Was from fanart.
NAW MAN I WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME. ..Which one? The one with him eating ice cream or the one with his badass stare? HI
It's funny because Yusei is one of the only characters to have a legit competitive deck.
stop laughing it's not that funny
@Fred: It is limitworthy, yeah, but the archetypical thing makes no sense when trying to be implied into a Yusei deck. His whole deck is a new Machine-Type. >heavy price barely. big life point costs barely mean a thing. Getting Quasar and just three more draws is the least one could do. EDIT: @Above: so you ARE one of those "omg syncs so broke" people.
Why do people think it's hard to get Quasar out and not maintain a shitton of advantage with just about any deck?
...Fair enough answer. xD How are you, buddy?
>de-sync + tuningware combo mentioned >junk destroyer not used for exmaple oh my god my sides he's dueling like a competitive yusei, why are you guys complaining?
We can use the terms I set up, and you can change them if you have any problems.
Hello Amaury I am Zeonark now that we have our usernames introduced to each other why the interest in being my friend? o.o