I'm not going random. j/s Who's setting the terms, Axel?
Try not to backseat so much like this. You can actually get kicked out of a tourney for giving advice.
Beat me to it. Oh relax. Not even the real Jaden knows how to use his deck.
... Wait, are you trying to say OCG cards don't exist?
wat .
It's not inconvenient. If the person doesn't know the card, then they're too lazy to read the translation under the card or click the wikia link.
That's even more ridiculous. The person can just link to the card and post the effect/stats under it.
because one would need to pull the otk off, right?
Sure. Who's setting the terms though?
Troll with Gadgets all day erryday. @itachi: doesn't seem like either of my opponents have the time to duel, so sure lol
just checked the list ban dark strike fighter And unnecessary. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gadget#Xyz_Gadgets
I understand how you feel. But I still think that, because this is not the real game, we don't have to be so unnecessary with the things we have to post. ... Like the overlay picture for example. That entirely needed, Jay? ._.
Whoa whoa. The hell Jay? No need to flip out over something simple. You make it sound like posting them sideways is actually important. Everyone would only start disobeying you because you're starting to sound ridiculous. No offense, but... seriously. It's a trivial matter. godtier chant. seriously this is amazing
@thread not sure i get it
Change schools. ...Then again, good luck finding one without all of that. I can't myself.
was confused myself when i read it made me think you were talking about some guy using banishsworns or something ...or something idk
wait, what?
Yeah, he used to be able to do that. OCG took out priority. No clue if the TCG has done it yet. I was waiting on Protector, but... eh. You set the terms. Gumshoe?
y'all just jelly of us tall people i love your avatar
NOPE. NO PRIORITY /trollfaec.jpeg Both of those cards are terrible.