That doesn't rhyme.
Elven, Twelve Ring the bell This game is stupid.
... Forget dinner. My place. Right ****ing now.
No chain to FuFu bro.
I knew Voxli didn't. Forgot that Families didn't though. CONSIDERING JOINING... Games and Anime, really. **** like sengoku basara, gurren lagann, yugimanz, etc GENIUS It's not trouble finding friends. It's troubling finding a reason to stay on KHV. I've been feeling distant from alot of people myself...
No chain .
I KNOW MAN WHAT DO I DO That's what I'm thinking. I'd leave for a bit, then come back for the sake of coming back.
There is nothing to question. Droid is my home boy.
You have no idea how badly I want to shoot you for this.
>notices Roy Avatar you me dinner now
I already have MSN. Don't think I've heard of Voxli though, so I could try that. Guess I could look for a Forum Family and stuff too. Thanks, Jayn. Though, I am sad to post in another section because I love my Post Count.
naw, you sayin you got somethin against black i oughta pop a cap in yo ass
You got something against black?
I wouldn't actually. If I could stop myself from leaving again because of the feeling.
I've left and jumped back in here quite a few times already with a month, two, or three departure. Every time, I try to find my place on KHV again, but I can't seem to. I mean, even the people who want me to stay, I barely talk to, if at all. The only thread I really post in is the Duel Arena one. And just like before, I seem to kill most threads I post in(which I find hilarious). What do I do, KHV? How do I find an actual reason to permanently stay without feeling lost?
Some people want to play things legitimately. Some people want to emulate. Some people want to watch themselves play on an HD TV. Some people are happy with playing their **** on a comp. Don't question.
No one's hating on it. It's just confusing the **** out of us.
Still black. Keepin' it real son.
play FFX instead or IX or anything that isn't VII