Well, after messing with the 3DS for a few days, I would say the 3DS is pretty cool. Pros: The mobile internet is quite nifty. Your only problem...
lol Kay, later :D And congrats.
lol Sweet. We can finish up emulator and get some work done.
lol It can be done. However the frames per second doesn't really affect the quality, just so long as it moves fast enough to look like motion.But...
No, that was based off of a 15 frames per second, the base speed for an animation for it to look like its actually moving. If you want 60 frames...
lol Sure. I can lend a hand. I can do 500 frames at a time in photoshop. So a little over thirty seconds at a time. This is frame by frame...
lol Depends. CGI stands for Computer Generated Image. Usually it is shortened to CG for computer generated to apply to a broader spectrum of...
lol Fair enough XD We used all the good ones.
Wait, what?!?!? You have never been on a boat? *Takes this challenge* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ&feature=relmfu *throws it on the...
Kinda hard to do it with a box in the way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7H9xEesilU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o&feature=relmfu >.> Did I make it that obvious? I... I mean.... Whatchu talkin' bout Willis? XD
I know you cant respond easily, but I will bother you anyways XD Guess what! I have self diagnosed psychosis!:D
lol I have no idea why, but I somewhat have the urge to swear more than usual lol. Dunno why. Anywho: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6CfKcMhjY...
Awwwww yea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c&feature=BFa&list=FL7abfxstdvUXipAAxC8y2eg Imma go BAWSE on video game and computer work B)
Sweetness. I have not been up to much. Besides pokemon, computers, scheming, thinking, and bla lol. Oh, and school. Soon to be good reddens XD
Sweet :D Up from where?
lol Welcome back. So, besides school and stuff, whats new? lol :D
Twill be here.
lol What day is anyday? Today is Tuesday XD
lol Sounds good to me. So, how long you got left of school? I got like, a week and a half left. School ends next Thursday, finals end like, four...