Oh dear god, if you had said the second vid, you sure as hell would have been paying me that $500 XD But yes, I can fix the skin. Dim lights...
Quit e alright. I have something cooleo to show you....
That actually has a bit of what I am looking for lol. So it kinda is. Even though not everything I am looking for is there, I will take what I can...
Well, actually yes I do, in theory anyways. You just put the movie on a disc, add am image for a menu, and create some buttons in photoshop etc....
lol A good point. Jobs and such, sounds like such a drag lol. That's why I will hire myself lol. Then I can pay myself whatever I want for...
lol Maybe when the time comes I can program one for you lol. I mean, I kinda already can, for when I speak encryption. But meh lol. Only I would...
lol Yaaay! You are more coherent than 90% of the people I know! :D lol Only about 10% of the people I know are techies lol. And I expect it to get...
lol True. But while talking to my teachers and friends, I usually use them within 7 words when I talk about tech XD I felt so bad for my guidance...
Awesomeness :D I like the ninja bit lol. Yuffi would be jealous lol. I did take some pictures, but none really awesome. It was for classwork....
lol Meh. not worth explaining in detail. Kay, one sec.
lol Awesome. I am almost done downloading the windows 7 ISO, then I have to make another virtual machine and install windows 7, team viewer, bla...
lol So, you do any awesome craftsmanship since we last spoke? Anything cool in teh jewelry department, any new photos, guitars? lol
So, anyways. What you up to? Anything awesome? lol
lol In the words of a not so wise blonde, "Its a promise" XD
lol Very well. My mistake lol. You think we can get it all done in a summer?
lol Congrats. I am not surprised lol. I just hope we can make a movie out of a few people and a summer lol. Meh, anything is possible.
lol Indeed. I took a look at my grades. To manage to fail I will have to get a -5% on my final exam in science XD Meaning technically I don't even...
lol He will be by me. And many other fans around the world. I also kinda miss L as well. But meh, enough reminiscing. I will just loop the vid and...
lol XD Yea. You kinda should be. Thats right before the end of the series. He has basically gone mad with his position of power. He goes quite...
Kay, I will be here :) Oh, and I have the urge to do a Kira laugh XD I nearly did one in science class the other day :3