Hey man, I will probably be on in a bit :)
Hey, dude. I've some bad news. I might not be able to be on skype tomorrow. How long will you be online?
Luxord Smiles. "Fighting is just petty cash. Poker is my game." Luxord pulls out a credit card and goes to the nearest ATM "I will return" Luxord walks back with a grin on his face and a suitcase full of cash in hand "This was all the machine had. I have spent years gambling. I have all the money in the world to blow." "Not like I will" he thought. "I am smart enough not to blow everything in one shot, unlike this fool. Surely he does not know the value of the dollar." Luxord gets up from his seat and looks at Lee "So, where shall we play? I don't care for the fight. This is business"
Luxord looks at Lee, almost in amusement. "Cockiness is the way of a fool as well." Luxord places another $1000 wad of cash onto the table "I appreciate the sport. However the enjoyment only comes from winning the cash. The rest is watching others beat the crap out of each other" Luxord leans back and folds his arms in contemptuousness. Contentfulness (Not a word. Google chrome suggested contemptuousness. Contempt.)
Not a problem :) And understandable, will do. I must say you do your job well lol.
Luxord sticks hand out and shakes Lee's. Luxord sits down next to lee as he wipes his hands off. "The name's Luxord. Sonic is a nice choice. However I Believe that although She Hulk is slow, she is powerful and can overtake him." Luxord reaches into his pocket again. "How much money do you have to blow? Gambling is the way a fool loses his money"
I know, I have read the rules. I have indeed signed up. I have just been busy with school and life in such to RP, so there is some time in...
Luxord raised an eyebrow in interest. "Good man. I haven't seen spirit like you since 96 back in Las Vegas." "Whats your name? I want to know who's buying me dinner."
Luxord walks in Luxord: 300? Luxord reaches into a pocket and throws a stack of cash onto table "I bet you 1,000 on She Hulk."
Well, it depends on many things. I have level 100 of all those pokemon. However I didn't teach them any good moves (I got them as a collector item...
Sure, who you got? What abilities? levels? moves? Stats? Data! SWEET DATA! (Don't mind me.... I think I inhaled some battery acid..... XD)
lol Then a good spot of advise is to just not have to go there in the first place lol.
Oh suuuuurrrre. Just ditch me why don'tcha? XD
A week? Yea, it'll be over before you know it. That's about how much time I have left of my school year as well lol.
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?q=Bridge&styp=m&scoring=t&btnG=Search Pick a bridge, any bridge lol.
Ah. No fun indeed. How long does it go for?
Ah. Summer school then? No wonder that's boring XD
lol Some. I have a rough body for a person. I just sent via swapnote. I am about to start smoothing it out to look like a real person. Then I will...
lol Summer camp? How do you have access to a computer at summer camp? lol Not the camping I know XD
I am good lol. Why you bored?