lol Nice. I myself would be the dude in to tricked out vehicles flying overhead, shooting down XD
lol I knew you couldn't skype XD That's why I pointed it out, just for the mental image XD And yea. That's normal for you. Its not normal for New...
Hot. Really hot XD Well, I was. Its up around 99*F all week lol. Tis a *****. But oh well. Home has AC, and nobody thinks twice when you take your...
lol Yep. Free as a bird, tired as one too XD How you be bro? XD
lol Yea. Crazy it is. I had to walk home in it lol. I guess it pays to be in Sweden eh? XD But hey, at least home has AC :D lol
Cut the grass? I suppose that is correct, provided you don't mean it as an expression. If you literally mean you were doing yard work then yes,...
lol Yea. That was kinda my doing. I kinda made him pre order you XD I could never shoot at you lol. Jake originally pre-ordered me, but I said no...
lol School technically ended last week on thursday. However I have had exams up till this point lol. Glad to hear you are out. How have you been...
Woohoo! One more day and school is over! lol Sorry its been a bit. School, exams, work, bla lol.
Ahhh! How do I keep missing you? T.T Also, we are debating painball teams for jakes 18 tour. Two teams lol Sora's Apprentice (team leader 2)...
I see. A free summer then lol.Positives and negatives I suppose.
Kay, shoot. Somewhat intreaged and concerned at the same time lol.
lol I have been doing tech and school stuff. I have oddly been hakuna matata with my exams lol hows work been going? :)
So, what have you been up to since we last spoke? :D I have been not studying, playing video games, and HTML editing :D lol
I am awesome myself :D One more day of school and I am free! :D
lol Indeed :) How are you my big sis? :)
Hello yet again! :D
Yelloh bro. Jib jab blaber blaber.
Yay your on! :D
.... Home? Where the hell should I be? XD