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  1. Patman
    I have two seasons to catch up. I finally bought a new computer yesterday so I' ll watch them soon. Incidentally, I stumbled upon a trailer recently and wondered how long they expected to keep it up. Wait, a spin-off ? Please tell me it' s about Garth ! *crosses fingers*
    Post by: Patman, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    Ah yes, I forgot, it' s also a means to buy social status.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Patman
    A museum dedicated to Soulages opened in my town last week. He claimed to paint "le noir qui attire la lumière" (the light-catching black). To my grandpa, who went to school with him for years and was also a painter (though purely for entertainment), it was all just random black splatters. He said it to his face and ... the guy didn' t disagree. That light-catching bs was just a marketing ploy, I doubt it truly fooled anyone. Doesn' t really matter whether it did or not though : "high" art is mostly bought as an investment, a means to safely store/make money and evade taxes. Its actual artistic/aesthetic value is but a mere optional afterthought.

    I could laud Guernica or rip holes into The Matrix all day long, but in the end I think Guernica looks like shit and I loved The Matrix. We love art for emotional reasons. Skillfulness, message pertinence and historical relevance be damned. Death of the author, yaddy yaddy yadda.

    I heard Picasso, when asked how to distinguish between his genuine works and the numerous fakes that were circulating, simply answered "If it' s good, it' s mine. If it' s bad, it' s a fake."
    Post by: Patman, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Patman
    Chemistry teacher : and once you' ve mixed tube A and tube B you' ll get ... ya know what, I probably shouldn' t tell you, mix' em first.

    *all ten workgroups mix a full to the brim tube of the mysterious recipe*

    Chemistry teacher : So once those two are mixed you get stink bomb fluid. *rushes to the nearest window*
    Post by: Patman, Jun 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    How about repminiscing ?
    Post by: Patman, Jun 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    If there was a US editor willing to translate and release them it would have been done already. SE can' t even keep up translating their own games so ...

    I bought both of the Ultimania-like Dragon Ball books that have been released in France : the artbook, and the encyclopedia (300 pages of text walls). I think there were eight books total in Japan, they picked the two they thought would sell the most. But then DB' s popularity in France back then was insane, Kingdom Hearts is nowhere near that.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 6, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Patman
    The market for the antidote is usually bigger than that of the virus. And although, if memory serves, he' s already immune to it, if his next team was to be targeted somehow it could hinder his plans. Besides, he' s a prideful scientist. If there was a way to make an antidote he' d want to know. Or better yet, make it himself.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    It' s also plain unhealthy. Not just regarding their immediate mood and stamina, having meals and naps at regular hours regulates their biological clock (which impacts their brain development and their overall mood).

    You' d better pinpoint the one part of the meal he likes the most and hold that hostage. That' s what my sis does to get hers to finish his plates. "After you' ve finished" doesn' t work though, too far in the uncertain future. Gotta keep that carrot dangling in sight, so he ends up alterning with a bite of each. I don' t even wanna know what chocolate and mashed potatoes taste like together. xD
    Post by: Patman, Jun 4, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  9. Patman
    That is all meaningless to them at such a young age. They live in the now, and right now they' re not expecting anything from you other than to let them have their way. My nephew wouldn' t mind letting himself starve to death, he' s actually doing just that whenever the meal doesn' t suit his whims, so quite often. Both his parents and the police would beg to differ. One of my cousins used to bang his head against the marble floor up until his parents would give up. If you expect decent reasoning skills from babies you' re in for a surprise is all I' m saying.

    Dude, no problem here. If that' s what you intend to do by all means try it. My sis still avoids it, but sometimes she just doesn' t have the time to bargain or make up a diversion.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  10. Patman
    I remember having a conversation about that with you. You snapped at me for staying on the fence. As nice as it looked on paper it seemed highly impractical to me. Well I' m now an uncle. My sis didn' t want to resort to physical coertion either, and she held on pretty long, but she changed her tune eventually. Around the time her son reached that age when kids systematically disobey just to test your limits.

    I don' t have any big plans myself, I' m pretty sure my kids would ruin them anyway. I just hope I' d be less distant than my parents were, which is doubtful since I' m my father carbon copy.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  11. Patman
    Fang Lightning Hope.

    I played as Fang since she hits the hardest, has the most HP (which seems relevant considering the leader isn' t allowed to die in that game), and has a ******ed synergist AI. Yeah, everyone has a ******ed IA in one way or another, but she' s the only one who can throw Brave2 and Faith2 and they' re the biggest time savers. Left on her own she would favor Bravega and Faithga.

    I would sometimes switch Hope for Vanille if I either needed the HP boost or a better sab. I tried switching him with Snow : he' s a slower staggerer, but having the best com com com trio at my disposal might make it worth it. It did save some time against the Adamankhelone, but barely. Best to stick with Hope overall.

    On the rare occasions sentinels (plural) were required I' d switch Lightning with Snow.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  12. Patman
    I thought it was supposed to be nine months tops. I assumed you either got permabanned or did not want to come back, so this thread came as a nice surprise.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patman
    It' s bad because X said so, for reasons he' ll never ever bother to reveal to you mongrels, so just don' t do it. Don' t even talk about it. Let alone question it you Lucifer you. Sounds like bible thinking alright (not that it copyrighted it).

    Problem is that never works, curiosity will kill the cat sooner or later. If you were to leave a dirty carton box on a public bench no one would pay it any attention. But if you were to write "do not open" on the box ...

    So yeah, you might as well enlighten the kitten about what he' ll face should he not head your warnings instead of yelling "told you so" and laugh. Statistics are crystal clear about that, sweeping problems under the taboo rug only makes them worse.
    Post by: Patman, May 30, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  14. Patman
    The exact same argument could and has been used to promote sex ed. About that, I know that some of your states have an abstinence only pretense of a sex ed (those that also happen to have the most dreadful STDs and unwanted pregnancy statistics btw), but what about "drugs ed" ? Do you have anything like that ? In my country some doctors do pop up to teach students a thing or two about drugs (though it' s just for a couple hours tops).
    Post by: Patman, May 30, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Patman
    For all you know you could just grab a burrito and die of food poisoning. Difference is burritos are legal and therefore the places who make/transport/sell them are submitted to a shitload of regulations and controls. Drug dealers aren' t.

    Dunno if it' s a thing in the US, they seem far more interested in profitable repression than prevention, but in Europe there are a few centers for heavy drug addicts. They' ll test your stuff to check if it' s indeed what you were told it was. They' ll also make sure that your needle is sterile, that you won' t leave it where a kid might find it and that you won' t drown in your own vomit once you' re knocked out. If you were gonna take it with or without the help they might as well do help.

    I also heard that testing stands are sometimes put in place in rave parties. You bring them your stuff, they' ll tell you what it really is. They realized long ago that no amount of searches can keep drugs out forever.
    Post by: Patman, May 30, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  16. Patman
    I have two sisters, my parents have always forbid me to hit them in any shape or form. When my sisters hit me they were pretty quick to shrug it off though. Not that it happened often, but still. They expected me to become Sanji or something. I' ve learned to endure, block, dodge and immobilize. And not just with girls, I' ve never hit anyone. Well, outside of my karate lessons that is.

    A friend of mine started hitting me frantically once. It was all in jest, she was kidding, but my reflex was to grab both her hands and immobilize them. I think I scared her for a second, but hey, I' m no punching bag.
    Post by: Patman, May 26, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  17. Patman
    Yeah, we have both guns and mental diseases in France too but we don' t have mass shootings on the news every week. Or at all really. Having a third of your guns per capita doesn' t suffice to explain the difference away. I' d wager on our more extensive background checks, scarce weapon shops and complete lack of gun advertising. If memory serves 97% of americans call for more extensive background checks, but as long as political bribery remains legal in your country that' s not gonna happen.

    As for societal factors the only difference that I can spot is that you seem to care more about finding your 15 minutes of glory no matter what (you have much more real TV, empty pop stars, tabloids etc ...), and seem more prone to revenge as a whole. For instance most of you agree with the capital sentence, and from what I heard whenever Hollywood makes screen tests if there' s a revenge ending it' s the one that comes through every time (example : Seven).
    Post by: Patman, May 25, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  18. Patman
  19. Patman


    A mormon stopped me in the middle of the street to proselytize once. I didn' t know squat about mormons and he had a strong American accent, so I was intrigued. Turns out he was Canadian. I warned him I was curious about his religion, but purely from a cultural perspective. We spoke for about half an hour, but in the end we didn' t talk much about mormon beliefs. Given what I read later on in the leaflets he gave me it was probably for the best.

    As for them knocking on my door ... they don' t do that here. I only remember it happening once, at my parents. I think it was Jehovah witnesses, I' m not sure, it' s my lil sis who answered. They asked if my parents were here and she said no. When they insisted and asked her how old she was she said it was none of their business and slammed the door, which had me rofl. I didn' t know my 12 years old sis already had that much nerve in her. But yeah, here they usually just leave leaflets in your mailbox.
    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
    Faith: You're kidding.
    Angel: In front of people.
    Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
    Angel: I just wanted to give you a little perspective.
    Faith: "Copacabana"?
    Angel: "Mandy." I don't wanna dwell on it.
    Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.
    Angel: That it is.

    Lorne: My question, first -- and answer true because you know I'll know -- why Mandy?
    Angel: Well, I-I know the words. [long pause] I kinda think it's pretty.
    Lorne: And it is ya great big sap! There's not a destroyer of worlds who can argue with Manilow. And good for you for fessin' up.
    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone