I' m still not sure why the sequels get so much hate, I liked them even more. I' d take the red pill, and then I' d stick the blue one up Morpheus' ass. Yay truth, **** dogma.
Oh, my bad. I haven' t played the sequels yet.
The fact that you' re even trying to is quite ironic. Why not ? Dunno. What' s with this tiny Earth holding all this **** together ? Then we' re in the same boat. Welcome to life. I hope you enjoy it anyway. I do.
Trying to lul the Old One that ****ed your world back to sleep. Or whatever. To the six five archenstone-sealed places where its minions await. Well, feel free to give up. The first PNJ you met certainly did. Can' t you see you' re just a pawn in their game ? Doomed if you do, doomed if you don' t. Not that the human condition was any different before that mess happened, yay nihilism. You sure you played that game ? It might not be much but it beats Tetris hands down.
While it does have downsides it worked within the context of that particular story. Beats needlessly failing to recapture SH2 for the nth time.
Is that the very first Kirby game on the GB ? I did have a great time with it back when, in spite of how easy and short it was, but I' m not sure how it would hold up to someone who' s played more recent Kirby games. Isn' t there any game in there that ... you know ... cannot be downloaded and emulated ? When I used all my points at once I used them to take FF IV The After Years (the PSP version hadn' t been anounced yet).
Behold, the forsaking Fork.
Shattered Memories took it to a whole other level, unfortunately the game itself is painfully dull. From what I' ve read on forums even the people who loved it have a hard time sitting through it again and again just to see the alternate endings. In my own short lived experience, yes. But from what I' ve heard there are exceedingly creative people out there who can make it fly. At least it leaves you perfectly free to have your character say anything, a video game will just sporadically give you a couple options to choose from. This might solve that issue eventually, but we' re not there just yet. Yeah, I thought it found a nice way to not let the scripted stuff get in the way of its gameplay.
If choices are your big turn on I' m afraid you picked the wrong media : as long as computers will remain utterly unable to think for themselves they' ll make piss poor role-masters. You might want to look into actual role playing games, not video games that excel at crushing numbers but can barely emulate the choice side of things. The devs would have to write every possibility in advance, it requires time that might have been better spent writing a single, longer, solid story (which is hard enough already), or improving something else. Choice for the sake of choice is a waste of time. Which I guess is exactly the line of thinking that led Ubisoft to throw Unity' s second character away. I do agree that it is important for video games to explore other avenues, but that' s just it, they already do ! Take Silent Hill and its sequels for instance, they use a number of directing and narrative tools that cannot be used in movies. They have several endings that don' t necessarily or entirely depend on the decisions you made, what you did in-game also might affect the outcome but the games never warn you about it. And each of the endings casts a new light on the rest of the story. I wonder if David Cage would dismiss the series as silly gore monster slashers. For a guy so eager for novelty he' s surprisingly clueless and dismissive about what video games can and already have done. Someone might want to tell him his Heavy Rain is essentially a Dragon' s Lair clone. Most of its "choices" are inconsequential, its story is a collection of teenage targeted clichés if I ever saw one, and its gameplay rarely offers any sort of actual challenge. But don' t mind the horror aficionado and keep dissing the industry as a whole Mr Cage, you' re doing such a bang up job at elevating it.
Well, I did mention reflection. The more strategy you inject the better, obviously. Never been into FPS myself, unless they threw something else into the mix. I' m not saying that' s all it should strive to be, I' m just saying there' s nothing wrong with being an unashamed time killer. There' s a public for both and one doesn' t have to go for the other to flourish. Blockbusters didn' t kill independant movies.
I agree with part 1, not with part 2. I don' t give a crap whether the characters are diverse or not, that' s superficial cosmetic stuff. I just signed to play a good game. I don' t really care how original my avatar is, it' s just an avy. Doesn' t fundamentally alter the game itself. Never bought any costume DLC, never will. If the story somehow matters, which is utterly optional when it comes to games as far as I' m concerned, then I would just want the story to be good. As for having more and more games being about killing stuff, well, the medium breaks down to action and/or reflection. Whether you test my eye-hand coordination by having me pile bricks or shoot people is just a cosmetic change. I haven' t played Watchdogs so I' m not sure whether it qualifies or not, but there are plenty of games out there that give you the fight or flight option. Survival horrors come to mind. One of them tried to remove the fight option completely, namely Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Apparently its director' s girlfriend would just give up playing video games as soon as she was asked to hit something. The end product just felt ******ed to me. Look, I' m no violent guy, I' ve never punched anyone, but if an army of creepy smurfs was relentlessly trying to rape hug me the first thing I' d do is grab something blunt, not run away. I' m no good at running anyway, and the everyday main character of that game shouldn' t be either. I would gladly have overlooked it if the game managed to be interesting and challenging anyway. It didn' t.
Nope. Is France even in there ? Not that I care about my country winning per se, it' s just that the last time it did the whole country turned into a giant party. Wouldn' t mind having that again.
I was sold on Xenoblade on its title alone, the first one was that good. Seeing Zelda take lessons from it gives me hope, don' t make it the usual cake walk and I' m sold on that one too. That' s a rather short list though, I don' t give a crap about Mario, Smash Bros or Pokemon. But keep' em coming and I might buy one eventually. A 2D Metroid wouldn' t hurt.
I meant swapping the CDs when you' re not meant to, while they' re being read, by fooling the console into thinking the CD player is closed although it' s not. That' s what I did when I ran copied or foreign games on my PS1 : boot the console with an official european game long enough to pass all the security tests, and swap with the game I wanted to play at the exact moments (plural) the console read the actual game data. It starts by reading the security data, reads the game data for a bit, gets back to the security data then launches the game for good. No game genie, no hack, just nicely timed swaps. I assumed your problem was that the first CD was the only one who would let you pick "new game". But now that I think about it, does that game have a soft reset like most SE games (L1+L2+R1+R2+start+select) ? If it does then you could load a CD3 file, get to the part that tells you to insert CD1, do so and soft reset.
The CD worked just fine before and your console doesn' t have any problem running other CDs, so I assume it' s because of a scratch. One that is on the start up data, so probably near the external border (?). Whichever scratch it is, it wouldn' t hurt to address all the nasty ones. By nasty I mean the ones that don' t go from the center of the disk towards the exterior (those are usually inconsequential, unless they' re really deep). Try cleaning the disk, with vertical motions (starting from the center and going towards the exterior, so that if you scratch the disk even more in the process you only add inconsequential scratches). If that won' t cut it you have two options : - Try to find a store/somebody that has CD repairer/cleaner. - Try one of the various methods shown on youtube (the toothpaste, banana peel etc ...). Just know that they' re all bets, you' d probably just screw your CD even more. Alternatively, if your PS2 is a slim, you could use the swap method to boot the console with CD 3 then swap it with CD 1. Might work if the game data isn' t part of the problem. However it damages the console if you do it often and/or badly, and you' ll need several tries to get the timing right if you' ve never done it before.
Most of them being in French on my end was a big giveaway. Here' s my top 5 (on KHV) : - Flash games I' ll never ever play. - Movies non-trailers. - Banks I don' t need. - Dating sites I' ll never even enter (some of them being dedicated to expats xD). - Offers to learn/test my English. For some reason youtube thinks I' me a feminine fashion/perfume whore, which confuses me to no end.
Dunno about you but I try to go in theaters for heavy FX movies and to wait the DVD for everything else. I haven' t seen Maleficient yet, but I have seen X-Men. That one was focused on its story. It does have heavy FX scenes, but nothing you haven' t seen a thousand times already. Certainly nothing that warrants being watched on the big screen (except maybe Quicksilver' s big scene). Maleficient on the other hand, judging from its trailer, is a visual fest.
Incidentally, I was thinking of PMing you to ask if the fanslation is complete. Now that I' ve read this I think I' ll pass and wait a lil' longer. xD
I couldn' t help but wonder if he did that. xD