Intel Core i3-3217U Intel HD Graphics 4000 4GB DDR3 Memory So far I' ve only tried to run desmume and it can' t even emulate ReCoded (and many other DS games) smoothly.
Nope. Sounds interesting, thanks. I take it they' re planning a PC only release ? Not sure how smoothly my entry price laptop could run such a game.
Shattered Memories' psychoanalyzing. Altering the game based on your own personal fears was a brilliant idea on paper, unfortunately flawed in its execution. I' d really like to see someone get it right.
I saw a bot linking to pictures of massive bollocks once, amongst other things. Or so it claimed, I didn' t click the link. The funniest bot I' ve ever seen was undoubtedly this one (google translated from French) : Spoiler Elyon BROTHER: THE LAST TRUE PROPHET! Yes, I think it would be wise to look more closely at the writings of Brother Elyon because in perusing the six items he wrote in ten years, by the Will of God and the grace of the Spirit Holy, I have noticed no contradiction with the Holy Bible in general and the Holy Gospels in particular. Certainly Revelations are strong and sometimes surprising, especially in the work: "the edicts - Revelation D'ELIE". However nothing is shocking or in opposition to Scripture. So, in my humble opinion, I think it would be advisable to read everything with attention and heart, before making a personal judgment on Brother Elyon. Especially since the Items can be read for free on the Sacred Site in PDF format A4, (which proves his selflessness towards money). Moreover, not only are these books except perfectly consistent with many ancient prophecies, but they highlight some truths that have been hidden ... Here's a concise explanation of each Sacred Books: THE CALL OF GOD MISSION AND PROPHECY: (First Sacred Books which provided many revelations on: The Real Appeal of Christ Brother Elyon, the great Mission of the Sacred Heart, the prophecies, visions, dreams, protection formulas, prayers, religions, shroud of Turin, the Apparitions of Dozule, the Grand Monarch and the Holy Pontiff ...) THE ULTIMATE ALLIANCE: (The Ultimate Gospel of Christ, dictated by Our Lord Himself, but also THE Scenario of the great film that God wanted to evangelize the world which unfortunately failed, because the devil has made every effort with an outrageous and Machiavellian zeal, blinding some Catholics ...) IGNORANCE, CURSE OF HUMANITY! : (Third Sacred Books which details the whole truth about the failure of the film, with a copy of the controversy from the Catholic forum, some people who unleashed, sometimes aggressively, in order to defend a very subjective point of view but ignoring the will of God, we also find the extraordinary "journey" of Brother Elyon in Heaven, then the events of the scenery shooting in Israel.) VERITAS Odium Parit: (Which means "Truth begets hatred" is the sequel to the previous Work with all prophecies and messages of the Blessed Trinity, between 2004 and 2009, as well as answers to frequently asked questions and Brother Elyon's expert advice on healthy lifestyle to practice.) The edicts-REVELATION OF ELIE: (Fifth Sacred Books, bringing high Revelations concerning the policy that will lead the Grand Monarque, and how the Holy Pontiff will restore the Catholic Church. Other surprising revelations contained therein, but it is not really surprising, since it is "the Apocalypse of Elijah!") PRAYERS AND MESSAGES OF THE HOLY TRINITY: (Brother Elyon wrote here the sixth Sacred Books, according to the Will of God, to make Prayers needed for this world drifting away and for more spiritual Truth. It proves an unprecedented great Tribulation will befall us. Prayers are also planned for this terrible time that is fast approaching. All messages Brother Elyon has received, from 2002 until 2012 contained therein, including the description of his "journey" to heaven absolutely outstanding ... Here are the links to order the Sacred Books. It is possible to read for free on the Sacred Site, but it is strongly recommended to order because the great Tribulation will happen and destroy all digital data ... 6 THE BOOKS ELIE: Or you can order directly on the website of the publisher, ILV-EDITION: Brother Elyon will this year 2014 publish a seventh Sacred Books, which bears the title: "UNIFICATION OF CHURCHES AROUND STONE II". Yes, I am convinced that Brother Elyon was the victim of an attack in the rule of the devil, by proxy. The proven fact that the devil fears the Messenger of God, who is truth Elijah or the second "Control" of the Apocalypse of St. John, it has influenced some Catholics to bring discredit on the subjectively about Brother Elyon, mainly for the great evangelist Film God can abort! You see, Brother Elyon deserves a little more consideration and respect, as Religious Hermit first, praying constantly and suffering to save many lost souls. We must also respect him for his humble and pure heart because he is the Messenger of God and the last of the Prophets, (this leaves no doubt!), He considers himself "small" and "the greater sinner the Earth has seen! "Detailed explanation of this fact in the Sacred Books: "the edicts - REVELATION OF ELIE", but also by reading the autobiography of Brother Elyon written in the Sacred Site ... BROTHER IS Elyon? On the other hand, the various proofs, and all messages it has received since 2002, of the Most Holy Trinity, are very significant and put an end to all controversy negative or destructive! Also, I suggest you read all the message from 2002 to 2012, but also other receipts in 2013 that you can find by clicking on the following link ... INFO AND MESSAGES: And if you want to know all the prophecies of Brother Elyon, without going through the Sacred books ... PROPHECY: Dare Finally you can write directly to Brother Elyon, through its following email box ... And here is the link of the Sacred Site, directed by Brother Elyon, but according to the Will of God to illuminate this world increasingly darkened and everyone knows what he must do to be saved from the Great Tribulation that comes ... THE SACRED SITE: You can also follow Brother Elyon on Facebook, and become his friend on the following link ... Above all, do not waste your time going on sites, forums or blog, speaking of false prophets or false messengers currently deceiving humanity, since there is only one Prophet and today until the end of time, namely: BROTHER Elyon ("the Bringer of Divine Light!"). May the Holy Spirit enlighten you and bring you the light of truth, so that we can all unite together to face the horror to come. AMOR PAX LUX VERITAS
No. I have zero interest for the OST (which is incomplete and can be bought separately anyway) or for a glorified piece of carton/plastic. Besides I already own KH 1.5 I did however buy BBS, 3rdB and FFIVCC collector editions. I had zero interest for FFIVCC' s extras, but all those collector editions were sold at the exact same price as the standard editions so heh, I might as well take those. Art books and making of are the only kind of extra I' m interested in, BBS and 3rdB came with an art book and I wouldn' t have minded paying a reasonable extra for those.
I' m not sure how the PSP being officially retired for a few months would have hurt the sales, but for some reason their western marketing departments disagreed. They did wait to see how well the Vita would fare and, well, poop. They also checked how well the game would look left as is on PS3, but the proportions of the hub and the menus looked weirdly huge on a HDTV. So did the characters since the camera was super close to them. I' m pretty sure I wouldn' t have gave a damn, but Tabata is a perfectionist and that didn' t slide with him. And he didn' t mention it in the interview I just summarized but the original camera controls were simply horrid, and that I do mind. If that doesn' t teach SE that localization should be an intrinsic part of the development cycle, not an afterthought, I don' t know what will.
Yeah, it' s as far from sober as you can get. It' s common practice in the US, but more surprising coming from Japan. But then I just checked the 1.5 cover, while it didn' t overdose like that one it was busier than usual too. Their way to say "this is a compilation with a shitload of content" I guess ... I' ll raise a ... Spoiler
From what I' m told in the US the Genesis was the cool kids console and had the lion' s share of the market while the Snes was for the sissy boys or something. It wasn' t the case in my country (nor I think in Europe as a whole), they were evenly split and so were the Master System and the Nes before that. Western or not (and I think by western you mean American), the Snes had plenty of third party support, a point that you don' t seem to deny. Plenty enough that the average number of non Nintendo games released on it every month remained fairly constant up until the PS came around. Can' t say the N64 had nearly as much support, it was hard not to notice the sudden change of pace in that regard. My other point was that the lack of third party support some Nintendo consoles suffered from had little to do with the fear of competing with Nintendo alone (as opposed to competing with pretty much everyone else, or worse, with Nintendo and everyone else on the GBs and DSs) and everything to do with the market being much less evenly split between Nintendo and the others. And/or their peculiar technological choices (don' t underestimate laziness).
I try not to watch too much trailers and info because I already know that I' ll buy it. I' ve heard the same concerns from other people, but although I do hope there' s more to that game than a RE4 alt skin I' ll take what I can get.
In a near dying genre I' m starving for. Oh well, I' ll just wait the Evil Within. Huh ? They jumped the Snes ship en masse as soon as the PS appeared, not a second before. The N64 just got late to that party. Too late, it never caught up. Although Nintendo' s ass tight policies back then surely played a little part in that exodus ultimately the devs just go where the party' s at, it' s that simple. They don' t look afraid to compete with big N on their portables while the Vita whips its amazing hairs in vain to get their attention.
Probably not. I wouldn' t rule it out entirely cause a) love is blind and b) my tastes aren' t frozen in time, but right now sexually speaking it' d be a huge turn off for me (whether we' re speaking about the gender I' m into with different genitalia or the genitalia I' m into with a different gender, the opposite period would be less of a turn off).
The French edition of Dr Slump had a few ramblings from Toriyama in-between chapters, much like Oda does in One Piece. In one of those ramblings he explained that Kazuhiko Torishima, his editor back then, asked him to come up with a recurring villain for the series but rejected every character he submitted on the grounds that they weren' t antipathetic enough. "Oh you want antipathetic ? I' ll give you antipathetic !". He caricatured Torishima into Dr Mashirito (the pic I posted above), and sent his work right before it' d have to go to print (meaning too late for his editor to reject anything). xD
^This. With such a low level language you' ll have a hard time being original. The only thing I can think of out of the blue would be a magic eight ball / numerology program using your own bullshit analysis. Simple and ludicrous, but fun. You could also try to find a programmable math magic trick. Hardly original, but fun too.
Lol, that guy ? Spoiler The fact that Toriyama launched the project himself is a good sign, looking forward to it.
For all it' s worth a quick google search tells me that it' s not genetic, that it can be trained, and that most people can raise both but have trouble raising a single one. I can raise any of them or both, but the one I' ll naturally raise to express incomprehension is the left one (I' m right handed). That' s what made me an open book to my teachers.
My parents' cat is Spidercat. All the walls of their house have been err ... I have no idea what the English word for it is. They' ve been plastered with a mix of paint and sand to make their surface completely irregular. Their cat will often jump on a wall, hang there in a Spidey pose, and suddenly jump away.
It' s neither homophobia nor hypocrisy. You don' t choose your turn offs any more than you choose your turn ons. Wouldn' t you be disgusted if you were to watch people eat, say, bloody monkey brains ? Why ? They' re just eating like you do, aren' t they ? What might qualify as homophobia or hypocrisy would be to ask them to stop or go away just because it disgusts you. Actually I' d either deal with it or go away. Negotiating would only expose me to it even longer. I' d ask them to stop only if I was stuck with them, and I wouldn' t blame them if they refused or if their patience grew thin pretty quick. Would you gladly get rid of the good things in your life just because someone around can' t stand them ?
I' m an 80s boy and if memory serves half of those are indeed from the late 80s. But yeah, whatever. The only ones I watched consistently were Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers. I like listening to the Duck Tales opening every once in a while, but that' s it. The English version, which isn' t the one I grew up with but it sounds better.
Whaaaaaat ?! Should I stop waiting for your in depth diss analysis of Lightning Returns ?
If the show is clearly focused on the competition side of things then it' s probably best to keep the kids out of it. Yeah, there' s a kid singing show in my country that' s been going around since ... well since even before I was born I think, my mum watched it every Sunday when I was a toddler. They invite a professional singer, have all the kids sing one of his song, and let them grade each other themselves (purely for the hell of it since there' s no prize). The kids are all young enough to actually, strikingly, not give a damn about what people will think of them. That' s actually what the show is remembered and known for to this day :