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  1. Patman

    So apparently Kojima does contribute to the writing. I' m not complaining just yet, story-wise the teaser hits the right notes. I don' t know if that nephelim thing is legit (or if the actual game plot will be related to P.T. at all), but it sounds interesting.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Patman
    I' ve been catching up with Dr Who lately. I really dig the Van Gogh episode.

    Post by: Patman, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Patman
    From the first article you linked :
    Err ... the one place where the modern generation doesn' t sell well already is Japan, which also happens to be the one place where Type 0 is so last year. You know what would actually build some hype in Japan ? The FF they haven' t had yet. You know, the one you promised not to be mute about anymore ? That one.

    Now that makes more sense.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  5. Patman

    So Piccolo

    Did you whistle ? He looks pretty pissed. Good luck, brb.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    Dunno, just trying to think of what we might have done differently. Can' t hurt to check.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Patman
    It' s annoying as hell if you want to do it in a single playthrough, otherwise it' s easy peasy. You can' t get everything in a single playthrough anyway, and that also applies to the monster capture thingy they added.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    Go figure. It' s hard to keep track along the last chapter since doing everything but the final dungeon doesn' t net you a round percentage. It' s not 95%, it' s somewhere between 95 and 96. The game rounds it up automatically so you cannot tell for sure whether you missed something or not.

    Did you play the entire music thing correctly in the final dungeon ? Or ****ed it up to get one more boss in your bestiary ? I played it correctly. If you did too then I guess you missed something easy to forget, like talking to Marnela one last time after you got chapter complete.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    I followed gameFAQs' 100% completion guide to the letter and ended up with 99% too, even though last time I did so I got 100%. What' s even weirder is that at some point I had more percents than it said I should. I got the secret ending nonetheless so I' m not complaining, that' s all I really wanted.

    Maybe the international version was slightly altered in that regard ? That, or the guide had it wrong when it said beating the ultimate Lv5 machina right away was the same as beating an inferior version first.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    Depends, is it a swastika or something ?
    Post by: Patman, Aug 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    You know, I' d think the real compensation here would be to know that at least the sorry excuse for a cop who screwed up has been fired, if not incarcerated. But yeah, good luck with that. Maybe it is time for your cops to wear a camera on the job at all times. I mean they have tons of military toys they have no practical use for but can' t wait to show off, clearly money isn' t an issue.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 23, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Patman
    I' ve seen many people just assume Reedus murdered his familly and it confuses me. So far I' ve seen nothing that even begins to imply it. For all we know he just walked into someone else' s nightmare (You see them too ? For me it' s always like this). There are pictures of Lisa' s husband all over the house, he looks nothing like Reedus.

    I googled Jarith, that' d be one of the many derivative spellings for Jared.
    Hmm ...
    Post by: Patman, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Patman
    In case you' re still stuck (I was), I managed to plug my mic correctly today and gave this a shot :

    Worked on my very first try. I waited for the bells, walked ten steps towards the bathroom, first laugh. Then I quickly went to the mirror before the bathroom haunting was over and whispered Jarith three times. Bam, second laugh.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  14. Patman
    While I' m not sure why he' s offended at all something tells me C already knew what it was about, no need to be fluent for that.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
    It' s about a foreigner who drank a little too much.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patman
    Jesus ...
    Of course things won' t go smoothly if you don' t cooperate or if you insult them, but come on ! In that scenario what he' s supposed to do is arrest you, not shoot you, taze you, pepper spray or strike you. He' s not supposed to use his taser nor his pepper spray unless you' re resisting arrest. As for the gun unless lifes are in danger that' s just a huge no no. What he just described is plain illegal behavior, which isn' t exactly comforting coming from a cop.

    I' ve read the full article and that cop isn' t as hot-headed as the quote in the OP would have you believe. He chose a really piss poor way to summarize his thoughts though.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 21, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  17. Patman
    Wait, I' m confused, who are we talking about now ? Are Ferguson policemen still walking around waving a gun and a badge (or a lack thereof apparently), or would that be the state policemen that were supposed to replace them ?

    How could you possibly cook up such a childish defense and expect to get away with it ?

    Source :

    Huh. If that' s true, that explains a lot.

    It could just be a statistical glitch, sure, but when you look at the nation-wide statistics a pattern quickly emerges. For instance white people are more likely to be drug users, but black people are (three times if memory serves) more likely to get arrested for it. By all means don' t take it on my word, check it out for yourself.

    I suppose most black people know from experience that they' re more likely to be suspected in the US, just like I know from personal experience that my whitey-whitey, glass-wearing, slickly clothed, pedantic-mouthed face gets away with a lot of ****. I don' t fear walking around with hemp in my pocket because the probability of a cop stop and frisking me for an ID, let alone asking to check my pockets, is extremely unlikely. It only happens when I' m driving and they can' t see my face. The last time it happened the cop wanted to check my alcohol levels at first, but he quickly took it on my word that I didn' t drink more than is legally allowed and dropped it. I kid you not. And that' s just one anecdote in a sea of anecdotes. Gee, I wonder why white people are more likely to be drug users. The double standard is blatant in my country, I assume it' s just as blatant in yours. I know equality is an utopia, an ideal we should strive for but will never actually achieve, but in both our countries the police system clearly isn' t striving as much as it could.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  18. Patman
  19. Patman
    You know, I' m confused as to how such a situation is even possible. I mean I' m aware that some people, when given a hammer, see everything as nails. Careers in the police, like any other authority position, draws them like moths to a flame. What' s more surprising is to see it reach such proportions. Even though I can see a whole department shutting the **** up because "what happens in the police stays in the police and we deal with our own" (yeah right), we' ve know for a good while that such a pack mentality can emerge and we' ve put safeguards against it. At least we did in my country. Don' t you have a police of the police ? Isn' t there a single higher up able to put a stop to such a public disgrace ?
    Post by: Patman, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  20. Patman
    There' s a red screen at the end of that vid. Mine was yellow with "call back later" written in many languages and it wasn' t the end, it led to a jump scare and continued (god I hadn' t been that scared by a game in ... ever I think). From what I gathered you gotta hear the 12 bells (multiple instances of that, check) to make the phone ring (so far no luck).

    Just found this :
    Ha ha! Don't know if this is confirmed yet, but...

    According to recent developments on Gaf, they believe the mystery to solving the last puzzle depends on whether or not you are talking into a microphone to activate the switch... Apparently anyone who speaks into their headset microphone has been managing to get through it much easier than those without! So it's using the PS4 voice commands to detect sound to get you through it through either a headset or the EYE camera mike!



    Start of loop.
    Go to HELL Message and turn around facing phone.
    Once bell starts ringing, walk forward Ten footsteps and then stop.
    Baby will giggle.
    Walk over to phone and wait for bells to stop ringing.
    Say "Hello?" into the mic and it should work.
    Wait for vibration to start and then finish. Do not move during vibration or you'll have to start over.
    Once vibration finishes, you'll get the third giggle.
    Phone will ring.
    Zoom in on it to activate it.
    Hear an unlocking noise, so leave through loop door.

    The timing of the speech may be a little later, but thats the gist of it. ... count=4122 ... count=4118


    Clues to getting the phone call in foreign text:

    My body shivered

    It was a cold hand

    Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
    Then slide your index finger on my hand

    Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
    Did I hear a phone

    Sussurrei seu nome
    Whispered his name

    Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
    During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

    Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
    And dwindling due to fog awareness.

    I waited for it to pass.

    Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

    mas o vento da noite levou sua voz embora
    but the night wind carried his voice away

    What seems the solution:
    1. when you hear bells ringing, take ten steps (hold forward), then stop. You should hear a giggle.
    2. Then walk around while speaking through the mike until you hear a second giggle. The controller will start shaking. STOP moving.
    3. When the controller stops vibrating the phone will ring. Go and examine it. You'll get the "chosen" message.
    4. Go through loop door. ... count=4122


    Edit : 'kay so I tried using my mic and it does jack ****. I' m not even sure the damn thing is on, my PS4 doesn' t register its presence if I plug it all the way. Even when it does I can' t hear anything through it, even though I cranked up the sound to eleven. Weird.

    Well anyway, waiting for the bells then walking 10 slow steps towards the bathroom does get me a baby laugh most of the time, but I can' t get it to laugh again. I' ve tried every method I' ve read so far, to no avail. I think I' ll just keep my PS4 on until someone figures out something rock solid.
    Post by: Patman, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Gaming