Oh yeah, Scarlet was a spider too. Agreed, but that' s the one I had in mind :
Wait ... they look like monsters to you ? xD I dunno, the spider mannequin was kinda cool from a symbolic standpoint (selfie generation yay). Butchered execution though.
KB stands for kilobytes. It means it can' t tell how big the file was supposed to be. I' m not sure why, I don' t know how the PS2 handles its memory card data exactly. If I had to take a guess I' d say a part of each save file is dedicated to describing where to find the rest of the file data (a map to the file, so to speak) and that particular part is corrupt.
If memory serves it should let you erase it, so I assume what' s corrupted isn' t the data but the memory cluster itself. In other words parts of your memory card are broken. As for the dates, it' s data in and of itself. Considering how few memory those things had the less superfluous data you store the better.
Lol, interesting premise. I wonder if they' ll escalate it to the finale or if it' s just a momentary thing.
If you actually understand what it says, sure, otherwise the fun part is lost on me. Admit it, you' re just looking for an excuse to face Mysterious Figure again. xD
My sisters and I used to play Megaman with my dad, it was the only series he enjoyed as much as we did. Megaman 2 was one of my first games, I played it so much I could finish it in hard mode without loosing a single life. I' ll never forget that one time I had been stuck in bed for days, feeling sick as crap. My dad popped up into my room and threw Megaman 5 on my bed. That was coming out of nowhere. It didn' t magically evaporate my illness but it sure brightened my day immensely.
Nope. Tai Yasue did mention recently, in a rather vague fashion, that there was hidden stuff in the theater, but he also clearly said there' d be no introduction to KH3. That would be my bet yeah. Seems like now or never.
Bait it with food, poke its eyes and go for the balls. Be warned though, if it doesn' t faint (or if it' s a female) you' re in deep doo doo.
You just might. "And since our destiny is to finish in a hole, let's praise the Heaven there will be hair around it!" ~ Frederic Dard
Not to me, no. But nevermind that. What I was trying to point out is that you' d be hard pressed to find two christians (or religious people period) who happen to share the exact same set of beliefs. Your beliefs can inform your morality, true, but here' s the catch : your morality can inform your beliefs too. For instance not so long ago you had a had time reconciling your own homosexuality with whatever the bible had to say about it. On the one hand you felt there was nothing wrong with being homosexual, and on the other hand your understanding of the bible seemed to condemn it. How do you solve cognitive dissonance ? Here are your options : 1. Change behavior/cognition (Ex: Stop being homosexual, good luck with that) 2. Justify behavior/cognition by changing the conflicting cognition (Ex: "I'm allowed to cheat every once in a while") 3. Justify behavior/cognition by adding new cognitions (Ex: "Since non-cishet people exist, it must follow that they will not be eternally non-cishet") 4. Ignore/Deny any information that conflicts with existing beliefs (Ex: "Some things from the Old Testament were more cultural laws than religious ones.") The religious people who have an instinctive aversion for homosexuals do the exact same thing when they' re confronted with secular demonstrations that there' s nothing wrong with it, they just do it the other way around. Anyway, glad to see you stoped torturing yourself over it.
Thanks, party pooper ! Shit just got real !
Not all christians take the old testament literally. The bible is the big book of cherry-picking. The bible was also pro-slavery and pro-abortion, christians aren' t unanimous on those moral stances either. In my own experience (I' ve been raised catholic) few christians have actually bothered reading the bible. Most never will. When I was in catechism we just read a few select bible passages and focused on the lovey dovey touchey aspect of it. What they told me the bible and Jesus were all about and what the bible actually says are two separate things. Not to mention neither are all that coherent, I had a knack for asking questions that stumped my teachers. Basically we were encouraged to see god as whatever helped us sleep at night. I heard something recently about scientists scanning people' s brains and seeing which part would light up when people spoke about themselves or about someone else. Apparently the part of the brain people use when they speak about god is the part they use when they speak about themselves. I haven' t bothered checking how serious that study was but I wouldn' t be surprised if it was true, that would explain the over-touchiness on the subject.
FFDream just posted another interview with Tai Yasue. I' ll spare you what has already been said in every interview so far, here' s the interesting bits : Source : http://forum.ffdream.com/viewtopic.php?f=113&t=15275
YES ! I hate when SE locks unique stuff behind multi. I don' t give a damn about multi, and even if I did I literally can' t use it on handhelds : none of my friends buy those, let alone the same games as me. I' m still shaking my fist at you, Sword of Mana. As for the secret training from what I' ve seen in the demo grinding is fast anyway.
I waited cause I was wondering if I was being the old fart or if it just sucked. I still wonder if I' m being the old fart when I think to myself "Wait, is that what passes for pop these days ? Sounds like minimalist electro to me, which last time I checked was a very niche genre". While I tend to like both I think they' re meant to be spices, not the main course. I might as well expect you to eat bacon-flavoured salt. But yeah, no worry Dude, to each his own.
Oh, okay. Makes more sense now. The swatting incidents I heard about before were more along the lines of "I heard X say he was going to kill someone on a video game chat", said the clearly juvenile caller. You know, teenagers being teenagers, which I would dismiss immediately. Don' t they automatically trace each caller though ? In this NSA day and age surely they can check whether the caller is where he says he is indeed.
And wait, get this : Spoiler I have to wonder though, given the fact that this is far from being the first time to happen, why would they bother paying that sort of "alarm" any attention ? Have any of those calls led them to an actual threat ? I suspect the cops would just laugh in my face and hung the phone if i was to try and pull something like this here. And even if it does lead to actual threats sometimes, their reasoning is clearly questionable : Spoiler
As I understand it the demo era faded as soon as the devs realized demos could potentially cut the sales by half. P.T. is genius on a marketing level because it' s an appetizer, not a sample. I assume Konami allowed it because a) Kojima has proven time and time again he knows how to raise interest instead of killing it on the spot, and b) Silent Hill needed the hype (and budget, and care) boost. Big time. It was dying (of boredom) anyway, they had nothing to lose. P.T. fired my imagination in every direction, I hadn' t been that excited for a game in a good while.