You spoony thread !
They were rigged in our favor in every DQ I' ve played so far. I don' t remember all the games and rules that came with DQ8 in particular, all I remember is it was the most rigged of all. If you know the basics on probability just give it a bit of thought and you' ll make it your *****. Took me like an hour, two hours tops to get my mitts on every loot. I wasn' t using the slots, I was using the spinning wheel.
If there was indeed a higher power I' d have no way to tell whether he' s omniscient or not. I' d have to be omniscient myself to tell, which isn' t about to happen anytime soon. Either way I' m stuck with my own moral compass. I didn' t wait him to be around to feel guilt and shame, him being real wouldn' t change the way I judge myself one bit. Interacting with the real deal would probably put him in a different light than the 35478648899345566333 hands "testimonies" going around, but best case scenario he' d get my respect, not my veneration. No amount of threats can change that, that would only lead me to keep my opinions to myself.
But ... but I like those ! Can' t you just pick a nature or mixed yogurt next time ? Oh and those yogurts with pieces of fruits and cake ? Best yogurts ever. As for nature yogurts all my money' s on petits suisses.
I' ve watched most of Ecleston, half of Tennant, all of Smith and everything Capaldi so far. I think my favorite is Capaldi. Not just because of the actor in and of itself, but because it seems they finally want to go somewhere with the character. And because he finally acts his age (I' m not your boyfriend). Smith' s acting was fine, he was just stuck in a lot of bad episodes.
I' ll be Ross.
Oh, I see. Even a country as tiny as France has quite a broad range of regional slang. Back when my grandma was at school anyone caught not speaking in French was punished, but before that each region had its own language. They still do, some of them are just more alive than the others. It' s still strong in the region I grew in (Catalan is still officially spoken in a third of Spain) and has permeated the locals' idioms. Enough for me to be mocked or not understood one bit when I spoke to people from another region.
I' m not a big fan of political correctness. I' m fine sticking with it in political settings, but that' s about it. People using slurs (intentionally or not) is a symptom, not a cause, swapping dictionaries around won' t address the actual root problems one bit. When in Rome, sure. When in Australia ... I' m not about to use nigga as a synonym for pal anytime soon, but I see it for what it is when I stumble upon it. Words are just tools, if you' re gonna go all death of the author on me and show no interest whatsoever about my actual intent you' re just wasting my time. From what I' ve read (but don' t quote me on that) the word "atheist" was initially invented as a slur. Etymologically speaking it' s actually very fitting, so atheists were a little confused by that move. Well anyway, they' ve reclaimed the word without forbidding anyone to use it. Attraper and choper (French for coger) can mean both, but it' s pretty easy to tell which one you had in mind based on the context alone. Gotta catch' em all ! ^^
If you' re looking for the same brand of goofy horror as the Freddys you should give the Hellraiser series a try. Or, you know, the other Freddys. There' s like seven or eight of them. Spoiler
Toy with people's faith.
I remember Nomura said in an interview about DDD that he thinks in visual terms, not in gameplay terms. He' s a designer, not a programmer. If I had to take a guess I' d say this time around his team failed to incorporate his visual ideas into a functional gameplay. Teleportation for instance. Sure, it looks cool, but gameplay-wise teleportation for the sake of teleportation is ... utterly useless ? Reminds me of Raiden whatever, the game that got canned because being able to cut literally everything to pieces with your sword, including your way to the exit, looks super cool but doesn' t exactly lead to a functional gameplay. I guess it' s harder to fill in the blanks when you don' t even know what the **** it is you want at all. *cough* Hofstadter' s law *cough*
And they' d have a pee bar. Of the top of my head, the only significant woman I can think of from that time period would be Charlotte Corday. Women were indeed already pleading for more equality, but most were doing so "from their kitchen" : (no english translation available, sorry)évolution_française. Basically, they were superbly ignored. That being said, I have just the anime for you : The Rose of Versailles.
Free by Stevie Wonder is one of my favorite songs ever. Ironically, a lot of atheists describe leaving religion as the most freeing thing they ever did lol. What can I say, I' m a foreigner. Liking the song first and understanding what it says fifteen years later, sometimes in fridge horror, is the story of my life.
Those would be the biggest potential time wasters yeah. I didn' t mind them too much since I only cared about getting there in time, not breaking a record. I was more worried about the potential game over spots. The Wallmen would be the first of them but it' s right at the beginning. Out of curiosity, what' s the record ? I don' t know what' s mine but the file I kept says 1:47 (PAL version, 20% slower).
I love The Room. I can see the reasons why people wouldn' t like it but I don' t mind any of them. It' s actually the only SH I finished with a 10 stars ranking. Of all the post-SH4 games Origins is the closest to its elders gameplay-wise. Pity they didn' t focus on Travis' story.
And here I thought we were finally done with her. Spoiler
If you ask me it deserves every bit of hype it got.
I' m not sure photoshop was involved, but the actual burger looked like that : Bon appétit !
Its theme was pretty obvious to me actually, but apparently you don' t see it. It' s a monster that takes the latest fad (pretty face) that pops up and makes it its own. Literally.
Err ... vanity ?